1Blue – Measurement in Maths

For maths this week, the children have delved into measurement. The past two days, the children have been learning about measurement using the vocabulary: longer, shorter, longer than, shorter than. They built towers using cubes of different length and compared them!

Today, the children learned all about tall and short. They ordered themselves in height order from shortest to tallest.
After that, they completed challenges in their books, comparing the height of 3 animals. They did a marvellous job!

In a sentence, compare yourself with your group members using the vocabulary: shorter, taller, shorter than, taller than.

5 responses to “1Blue – Measurement in Maths”

  1. Dhonshan R.

    I’m shorter than my mom.
    Dad taller than me.

  2. Sarah B.

    The window is maid of glass.

  3. Emraan A.

    I enjoyed small to biggest
    I enjoyed to make big to smaller

  4. Haseeb B.

    I had a fun time with my friends and my teacher 👨‍🏫

  5. Elgin A.

    I had fun 🤩

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