
1Blue – STAR Spellers and Art Afternoon!

What a day! So many STAR spellers and a fun afternoon taking part in Art. The children will be creating an animal sculpture using clay and natural materials, so they collected lots and annotated each choice.

Art Afternoon!

In a sentence, what did you enjoy most about this week?
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and please do not forget to do your homework. 😁

3 responses to “1Blue – STAR Spellers and Art Afternoon!”

  1. Mrs A Patel

    Well done super spellers for getting all your spelling correct. Please don’t forget to practise week-3 spellings. Be safe and happy everyone.

  2. Dhonshan R.

    I liked to walk in outside.

  3. Maryam K.

    I enjoyed sticking the materials in my book.

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