2 Red: Science Investigation

Continuing with our Science topic, we investigated Materials. Today the children found out that poor Little Red Riding Hood ripped her red cloak. We decided to help her make a new one but first Year 2 carries out an investigation to see which material is best. Watch this short video to see how they got on…

What made Plastic the most suitable material?

Why is paper not a suitable material for LRRH’s cape?

3 responses to “2 Red: Science Investigation”

  1. Mya F.

    plastic was suitable because it strong and waterproof that why we can have a drink in a plastic bottle. paper was not suitable because it not stong enough and it not waterproof it went really soggy when we put water on it.

  2. Aiza B.

    Plastic is more suitable because it is water proof and it’s strong and hard to break.
    The paper is not suitable because it is not strong enough and when it is raining it will get soggy.

  3. Rayan M.

    What made Plastic the most suitable material?
    The things that made plastic the most suitable were that it was waterproof,
    strong and flexible.
    Why is paper not a suitable material for LRRH’s cape?
    Paper is not a very suitable material because it is not waterproof or strong but it very flexible.

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