2Blue – World Book Day

Another brilliant day in 2Blue! Firstly, you all looked AMAZING in your costumes! Thank you parents for your ongoing support. The children thoroughly enjoyed the book ‘Pirate Pete’. They learned new vocabulary from the book using a dictionary to define them. They made treasure maps and pirate hats using newspaper. The children used compass directions to locate things on a map. They also drew some amazing pirates, following step-by-step instructions for their learning journey.
Please watch the video to see what they got up to.

What did you enjoy most about today?

4 responses to “2Blue – World Book Day”

  1. Sara H.

    i had fun making the flowers

  2. Yusuf A.

    I had so much fun counting the change and I loved doing the colouring 😃

  3. Maryum N.

    I enjoyed making pirate hats and newspaper making I loved it

  4. Kayla P.

    I had lots of fun on world book day. I enjoyed making the pirate hats.

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