4 Red is learning about Newspaper reports.

This week, we have begun our new English topic about newspaper reports. We have explored a newspaper report about the Blitz and answered questions using our retrieval skills. We also learnt a newspaper report using a story map.

Additionally, we have identified the key features of a newspaper report and discussed their purpose. Finally, we have looked at determiners and inverted commas during our SPAG lessons.


  1. What is the purpose of a headline?
  2. What is one fact that you have learnt about the Blitz?
  3. Name 3 determiners.

7 responses to “4 Red is learning about Newspaper reports.”

  1. Kanishka P.

    The word blitz is a German word for lighting

  2. Kanishka P.

    The purpose of a headline is to give information about the newspaper reports

    1. Kanishka P.

      The 3 determiners are he ,she and her.

  3. Nuha I.

    1. The purpose of a headline is to give the reader a clue about what the newspaper report is about.
    2. One fact I have learnt about the Blitz is that the word Blitz is short for the German word Blitzkrieg meaning lightening war.
    3. Three determiners that I know are: his, her and my.

  4. Lusardo M.

    What is the purpose of a headline? The purpose of the headline is to introduce what you’re about to read.
    What is one fact that you have learnt about the Blitz?
    The Blitz was held in World War II
    Name 3 determiners.
    The ,that and a

  5. Estera V.

    The purpose of a headline is to tell the reader what your talking about in the newspaper report.
    The word Blitz is another word in german after the WW2 .
    Three determines are the, is and on

  6. Ibraheem S.

    1.The purpose of a headline is to tell the reader what your talking about in the newspaper report.
    2.The Blitz is a piece of art that was made during world War 2.
    3.Three determines are the, is and on.

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