4 Red’s fantastic maths

As part of our learning in Maths this week, we are learning about Addition and Subtraction.

We began by adding and subtracting 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more and less than a given number, recapping our learning of place value.

Throughout this week, we have learnt how to add three and four digit numbers. We have also begun to learn about exchanging.


Have a go at the questions below. You can do this in your homework book, on A4 paper or as a blog comment.

  1. 456 + 342 =
  2. 342 + 235=
  3. 1129 + 1323=
  4. 3348+ 1124=
  5. 567+ 225 =
  6. 3458+ 1234=
  7. 1458+ 2344=
  8. 377+ 243=
  9. 124+ 378=
  10. 457 + 725=

4 responses to “4 Red’s fantastic maths”

  1. Estera V.

    A) 798
    B) 577
    C) 2452
    D) 4472
    E) 792
    F) 4692
    G) 3802
    H) 620
    I) 502
    J) 1182

  2. Tana I.

    H T O
    4 5 6
    3 4 2
    7 9 8
    H T O
    3 4 2
    2 3 5
    5 7 7
    Th G T O
    1 1 2 9
    1 3 2.3
    2 4 5 2

  3. Nuha I.

    I have completed my maths in my homework book.

  4. Hanfaa N.

    A) 798
    B) 577
    C) 2452
    D) 4472
    E) 792
    F) 4692
    G) 3802
    H) 620
    I) 502
    J) 1182

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