6 White’s Reading Jungle

Welcome to 6 White’s new reading jungle. “Conquer the vipers”
Our display includes all the viper challenges so you can understand your text deeper. Questions you should be asking yourself while reading to give you a better understanding and giving you the opportunity to display and share your thoughts and new vocabulary. Images of the 100 books you should read are also displayed along with a chart for you to keep track of what you have read. Finally write a book review and share your thoughts.

What books are you reading for pleasure?
What is your favourite genre and why?

One response to “6 White’s Reading Jungle”

  1. Hamaad D.

    1)The books I read for pleasure are from the local library.I also read the books from the 100 books list.
    2)My favourite genres are fantasy and adventure because it is magical and fantastic, and includes travelling to many places that we can’t travel to.

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