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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hello Years 1 & 2. This half term we are holding a competition for both year groups. The winner will be able to pick a new book from a selections of prizes we have in the Library.

YOUR CHALLENGE: Pick your favourite character from a book you have read. Draw a picture of your favourite character. Year 2 write a short description to describe your character. Year 1 pick 3 adjectives to describe your character and add them to your image.

The deadline for entries is Tuesday 15th February. Good luck.

9 responses to “Library Competition Y1&2 Spring 1”

  1. Maryum N.

    Ok miss Morris

  2. Maryum N.

    Good luke eveboody in year 2

  3. Dhonshan R.

    I’ve shared my work for library competition in year 1 blue home work share point. Thank you

  4. Maryam K.

    I have done this. I will bring it in and give it to my teacher.

  5. Arjun G.

    Good luck

  6. Mrs Sharif

    Good Luck, Year 1 and Year 2!

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