active Maths in 5W

Today, we took part in some maths games to help us to consolidate our learning of place value to 1,000,000.

How would you write this number in digits: Three hundred and sixty three thousand and ninety four?

What is the value of the digit 7 in this number: 657,829?

What number is 10,000 more than 54,462?

10 responses to “active Maths in 5W”

  1. Meena B.

    The active maths was super fun I really enjoyed it.
    1. 363, 094.
    2. The value of 7 was 7,000.
    3. 64,462.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Spot on. What number is 100 more than your first answer?

  2. Amirah T.

    1. This is how you write this number in digits – 363,94.
    2. The value of digit 7 is 7,000.
    3. 10,000 more than 54,462 is 64,462.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Well done for commenting on the blog. Double check your first answer.

  3. Harrison S.

    The value of the 7 is thousand.
    10,000 more than 54,462 is 64,462.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Well done. What number is 100 more than your first answer?

  4. Manha S.

    1. 363094
    2. 7,000
    3. 64,462

    1. Mrs Latham

      Good work. What number is 100 more than your first answer?

  5. Zaeem J.

    The active maths was really fun I really enjoyed it thank you
    1. You could write the number like 360,394.
    2. The value of 7 in 657,829 is seven thousand (7000).
    10,000 more of 54,462 is 64,462

    1. Mrs Latham

      You’re very welcome. Thank you for your lovely manners! Double check your first answer.

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