We have had a fantastic project week. The children have enjoyed their learning and have developed an understanding of the importance of making healthy food choices and keeping fit.


The children took part in three different activities to…

  • join simple moves together to develop a dance.
  • develop an understanding of how yoga can increase their body awareness and mindfulness.
  • develop hand eye co-ordination.


We had another amazing visit from ‘Rock Kidz’. Rock Kidz motto is YASBA – You’re awesome, be awesome! and we think our lovely Reception are definitely AWESOME!

We shared the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We discussed healthy and unhealthy foods that the caterpillar chose to eat. We then sorted these into Healthy and Unhealthy choices.


The children took part in a round robin of activities which ensured that they followed rules and joined in with games that are physically active.

The children thought about their friends in Reception. They spoke confidently about what makes a good friend and recorded this using drawing and sentence writing.


The children learnt more about eating healthy food and making healthy choices. They created a healthy lunch box and spoke about their choices. They learnt about the importance of eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day and began to understand the importance of this.

The children took part in ’Boogie Bounce’. It was great fun!


The children took part in mindfulness activities and began to understand the importance of having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. They also thought about what makes them happy!


Our behaviour award for this term was golden time. As we demonstrated superb behaviour this term we were allowed to choose our own golden time. Well done children for super behaviour this term, keep it up!

2 responses to “Health Week in Reception!”

  1. Elijah S.

    Elijah enjoyed the activities and told me all about what he did at school!

  2. Aaron R.

    “We get to see the Rock Kidz again and I loved it because they are crazy”

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