Summer has finally arrived and the weather is improving! Our children will be wanting to be more active and out and about enjoying the sunshine.

Please note the following:

  • Please do not leave your child unattended on school site. Once you have collected your child, please keep them with you even if you are collecting siblings from other classes.
  • Children are not allowed to play on any school equipment at the beginning or end of the school day.
  • When dropping off your children in the morning, please be aware of other children and adults around cars and park legally and respectfully.
  • When collecting children at the end of the day, please park legally and respectfully to residents and other parents.

Thank you for your cooperation.

15 responses to “Keeping Broad Heath children safe!”

  1. Tana I.

    Thank u for the.e information

  2. Aisha A.

    Okay πŸ‘ thank you 🌹

  3. Tipian I.

    Thanks for the information

  4. Hasan N.

    ayee thats pretty good , it is very good and theres not that much shade from the heat but dont play games at lunch time that are tiring becuase its gets you hot and sweaty

  5. Maryum N.

    Thx for info

  6. Zakariyah T.


  7. Esa A.

    Thank you

  8. Hadiya M.

    πŸ†— πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ ok!

  9. Aisha A.

    Thank you for sharing and for information πŸ¦‹

  10. Md Ahnaf L.

    Ok thanks πŸ‘

  11. Arfa S.

    Thanks for the info

  12. Chinonso O.

    Thank you for the information πŸ˜€πŸ˜˜and a enjoy your information too

  13. Mahid H.

    Ok πŸ‘ thank you 🌷

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