Mrs.Patel is so impressed with your phonics learning for week 1.

You were all so brilliant and knew all the sounds we have learnt this week.

Please watch the videos to complete your challenge…..

Can you write 2 words for each sounds please.

24 responses to “Mrs.J.Patel PHONICS GROUP”

  1. Nabira M.

    ew : view ,new
    Oi . Oil, boil
    u-e . June , cube
    Oa boat coat

  2. Liliana S.

    OA- road, goat
    OU- loud, boat
    OI- oil, foil
    EW- new, view

  3. Warizah I.

    U=cube, rude
    Oi=oil, boil
    ew= bew, view
    ai=rain, train
    oa=goat, road

  4. Noah M.

    OA. Boat, coat.
    EW. Crew, new.
    OI. Soil, foil.
    U-E. cute, cube.
    Ai. Snail, sail. 👩‍💼 🏫

  5. Shayan S.

    Well done

  6. Evie T.

    Evie found

    OA – Road, coat, toad,
    OU – You, mouse, house
    OI – oil, foil, soil
    EW – new, screw, view

  7. Adam A.

    Oa : boat road
    Eu : rude June
    Oi : soil boil
    Ai : rain pain

  8. Advika B.

    U – e: rude, cube, tube, ruler, June
    O – I : coin, oil, boil
    E -w : chew, new, view
    A – I : rain, snail, brain, cain
    O – A : boat, coat, road, broad

  9. Aadyan W.

    u-e= rude, cube, tube
    oi= coins, boil, soil
    ew= new, few, chew
    ai= snail, rain, spain
    oa= boat, road, toad

  10. Haseeb B.

    U-e = rule.rude
    Oi = oil. Foil.coin
    ew = chew, stew.
    ai = rain, brain.
    Oa = goat, boat, coat.road

  11. Huzaifah J.

    U-e- flute, cube, tune, super
    Oi- soil, noise, oink, oil
    Ew- screw, chew, new, nephew

  12. Ella C.

    U-e = rule.rude
    Oi = oil. Foil
    ew = chew, stew.
    ai = rain, brain. train
    Oa = goat, boat, coat

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Super learning ⭐️

  13. Syed A.

    Aqsa said u e words is blue ,glue
    O I words is soil ,oil
    E w words is few , blew
    O a words is coat , goat
    O I words is rain , pain .

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Mrs.Patel is so impressed with your phonics. Are you all ready to learn new sounds on Monday?

  14. Jasmine P.

    U-e rude,June
    Oa- goat, boat

  15. Muhammed I.


  16. Maximilian J.

    Good morning,


    1. Mrs J Patel

      Thank you Maximilian
      So proud of you you know lots of words with the sound I requested.
      Come and see me Monday for a sticker from Mrs.Patel.

  17. Freya S.

    Freya is in yellow group. Freya doesn’t remember these sounds

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Freya will be learning the sounds she needs to practise with a another member of staff depending on which band she is in so don’t worry about it.
      Thank you for commenting.

  18. Iqra A.

    U-e = rude, huge.
    Oi = boil, oil.
    ew = chew, stew.
    ai = rain, snail, brain.
    Oa = goat, boat, road!

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Well done Iqra
      Do you know what the word huge means?

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