This week the children have had their third Guiding Reading session. It was great to see the work completed and it demonstrated that you are understanding the story so far.

The following children: Aaminah, Nihit, Fatimah, Aisha, Safiyah, Surinder, Shahzad and Simin please can you read Chapters 6 and 7. Below are questions to Chapters 4 and 5. Please upload your answers to the Share point below. Please do not answer on the blog. Just leave a comment to say you have completed the work and sent it.

The London Eye Questions

  1. How does Ted describe his Aunt Glory and his cousin Salim?

2. On page 31, Ted describes himself. What does he call himself? Copy the quotation from the book and say why he compares himself to Andy Warhol. Who is Andy Warhol?

3. What do Salim and Ted have in common?

4. Explain the meaning of the expression “ a cool dude”

The following children: Yaw, Mohanned, Ayaan, Maryam, Kaila, Amanah, Lillie and Samik please read chapters 6 & 7. Below are the questions to Chapter 4 & 5. Please upload your answers to the Share point below. Please do not answer on the blog. Just leave a comment to say you have completed the work and sent it.

Malkin Moonlight Questions

In Chapter 4 Malkin explores various places. Have you ever explored somewhere? Or is there a place you would love to explore? It could be by the seaside like Malkin or the jungle? Write about a place you have explored, in real life or a place you would like to explore, in your imagination? If you want you can write a poem.

Vocabulary work: What does it mean by the phrase “this is what i was born for…” Explain your answer.

9 responses to “Ms Janjua’s GD Group – Week 4”

  1. Lillie S.

    I did this at the time and uploaded it to the share point but forgot to comment on here.

  2. Shahzad S.

    1. Ted described slaim and golria good things and kat called salim handsome
    2. Ted calls him self ugly and not handsome
    4. Cool dude means when a person is cool and they wear like good clothes not some random t shirts

  3. Fatimah K.

    I have sent it.

  4. Aisha R.


    1. Aisha R.


  5. Surinder J.

    I have uploaded my work.

  6. Nihit N.

    I did my work and uploaded it to the SharePoint.

  7. Simin W.

    I sent it again

  8. Aaminah A.


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