Mutual Respect

It is important that we respect each others differences and talents. Some people may think one thing and some people may think another. This is fine, we are allowed to be different and have different opinions but we listen to each other.

Today is art day and over the year you have looked at the work of many artists. Which famous artist do you like and why?

43 responses to “Mutual Respect”

  1. Alisha S.


  2. Isaiah W.

    Nick is kind friend because he plays with friends when they are lonely and have no friends.

  3. Havin A.

    Mrs Frankish is a wonderful teacher so don’t mess with her🤗

    1. Head Teacher

      Havin- you have made me laugh! You are a super girl- keep on gaining!

  4. Mohammed S.

    I like Pablo Picasso because be art work is very nice

  5. Musa B.

    I like Picasso because his drawing is unique and nice and h when he draws faces it looks very funny and nice and when he gets random shapes together it makes a cool shape

  6. Ebunoluwa I.

    I love to draw because it makes me feel happy

  7. Muhammed H.

    I liked to do colouring but I think 💭 I like to paint.

  8. Isaiah W.

    My Ariel is Pamplona Picasso

  9. Sandra A.

    I like the big bouncy castle, Mindys,colouring’s and sweets .🍬🍡🧁🏫💎

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