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Newsround- Purpose and Audience

In our English lesson we explored different news reports and identified the variety of purposes and audiences each news report has.

Click on the links below to watch news reports.

What type of news is this?

What is the purpose of this news report?

Who is the targeted audience for this news report? Can there be more than one?

Challenge: What features are used to gain the interest of this particular audience?

8 responses to “Newsround- Purpose and Audience”

  1. Steven N.

    The first link is linked to the war rememberance day in Salford house
    The purpose is to inform you that is war rememberance day
    The targeted audience would be elders,war veterans and people that are interested in the war
    Also there can be more than one audience

  2. Ilyas I.

    They are both global news. The subcategory for the first one is environmental and animals. The purpose of this news report is to inform people about global environmentally related news. The news on here is targeted at a younger audience as the child-friendly environment news is shown. To gain the interest of young people, there is usage of global extreme and strange news rather than UK politics related news as a lot of children and teenagers would not have a lot of interest for that.

  3. Aayan M.

    The category news is daily new. The news was about climate change and global warming so the subcategory is weather/climate.
    The purpose of this is to inform people about the weather and how it changes.
    Audience: It is for children because the whole point of new round is for children and it will help children understand what is happening around the world. This is also for adults aswell if they are interested.
    To gain the interest of the reader, we can add questions. But it will be more about rhetorical questions.
    Also it is about the 5ws who, what, where, why and how.

    1. Aayan M.


  4. Ravi J.

    News report 1:
    The category for the first news report is global news.
    To follow up on this, the subcategory is global warming and climate change.
    The purpose of this text is to inform the people of the tole that climate change is causing to our planet.
    The audience for this news report could be: children, adults, and people who are passionate about global warming/climate change.
    The gain the interest of the reader, we can add questions. More particularly Rhetorical questions.
    For example: Who, where,What,But.
    And to add to this we can use the 5w’s.(who, what, where, why, how)
    And finally they can add a pun to lighten up the mood like in our English lesson.

  5. Muhammed A.

    This news is daily news. The news about climate change is in the category climate. The purpose of this is to inform people around the world about what is happening with Earth. There are lots of audiences such as adults, teenagers and more people who are interested what is happening on Earth

    To make it more interesting the reportes asked rhetorical questions using the 5 w,s (where, who ,why ,when and what). They use as it sound more persuading.

  6. Arina A.

    New report 1:
    The category of this news repot is global news and the subcategory is global warming / climate change. Purpose: is to inform people all around the globe about what us now happening to the earth and the climate.
    Audience: the audience on this news report could be children, adults, people who want to save lives and those who want to keep sustainable/ healthy world.

    To gain the interest of the audience the news paper reporters could talk about the How the can be sustainable with the globe e.g. (How When What Why Who When). The more questions they ask the more persuasion will be used.

  7. Ridwan U.

    English was a fun lesson today. The category of “Our climate is changing” will be on climate if further information will wanted to be known about it. The purpose is that other people can be informed globally about the climate on earth today. There are many targets for this, such as schools, adults, teens and those people that want the earth human-friendly.
    To gain the interest of the audiences just shared, the news reporters try to ask more questions to them. Rhetorical ones. For example, But? How? When? Who? Where? Why? What? They try to use the Five W’s.
    (When, where, what, why and who). For other news reports that try to make people buy things that just come out, more persuasion will be used.

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