Our first full week in 1 Red

This week has been super jam-packed in 1 Red. We have been building our knowledge in English by learning the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts.

What animal have we been reading about during our lessons boys and girls? Write your answer in the blog.

Can you remember any facts about the animal?
Write in the comment box below

We have also been developing on our creativity by collecting and experimenting with natural materials for our art work.

Excellent work to our super spellers who are working so hard and practicing their spellings week after week.
Come on One Red we need to see more of you in this picture – Keep practising !

7 responses to “Our first full week in 1 Red”

  1. Maryum N.

    sharks can be deadly so they because of a big fact

  2. Maryum N.

    Sharks like to eat clams

  3. Maryum N.

    Sharks can be deadly and they like to eat crabs and class

  4. Sara H.

    In our lessons, we’ve been learning about sharks. One fact about sharks is that most of them can be deadly, meaning they can kill you.

  5. Maryum N.

    We seen all the animals at school it was very fun and evboody liked all the pets

  6. Ahsan M.

    Amphibians, reptiles and fishes .
    Frog jump ,

  7. Yusuf A.

    Well done to everyone for their brilliant hard work! Let’s keep going! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

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