Painting our vessels!

This afternoon, Year 6 had the opportunity to paint their Mayan vessels using natural colours – red, white, and black. We painted in traditional Maya style, using tips of our fingers and match stick style tools to etch in patterns and detail. A precise yet creative activity!

How did you find the painting process? If you were to sell your Maya vessel, what would it be used for?

25 responses to “Painting our vessels!”

  1. Sheima B.

    It would be used as a cup or a mini food bowl.

  2. Shabaz

    I found the painting process not that hard as I was concentrating while doing this, so this made my job a whole lot easy to do. My Maya vessel would be used for drinking as I made my vessel with a handle to make it look like a tea cup.

  3. Eesa F.

    When we paint our vessels it was really fun when I did it with my hand and it make me feel like I am one ok the Mayan

  4. I found the painting process complicated as we did not have paint brushes and we had to use our fingers.
    The vessel would be used for worship for people who are sacrificed

  5. Muhammad S.

    My Mayan vessel would be used for making liquid

  6. Rida W.

    I found the painting process fun and different because we had to paint using our fingers.

  7. Roma M.

    We had fun with painting our vessels and we got messy

  8. Elyas S.

    I found it hard to paint because my finger was really big and it went out of line.My Mayan vessel would be used for bowl.

  9. Timothy C.

    How did you find the painting process?
    The painting process was alright.
    If you were to sell your Maya vessel, what would it be used for?
    It would be used for putting your flowers in side because I mainly think that it would fit soil and seeds inside, with the design.

  10. Rhema E.

    If i were to sell my vessel,I would sell it for it to be used as a cup.
    I also had a lot of fun painting my vessel because we got to use different types of colours.

  11. The painting process was relaxed , and we took our time with the patterns If I were to sell my pot , it would be used for jewellery.

  12. Aleena M.

    I found the process really calming.
    I would sell my mayan vessel so it could be used as a bowl for some snacks like nuts.

  13. Reece T.

    That was so fun and I got a bit bit messy and it was a bit hard without paint brushes but I got used to it

  14. Raihaan N.

    My Mayan vessel could be used for storing things.

  15. Rasan M.

    I found the painting process a bit difficult because we couldn’t use paint brushes, if I was to sell my vessel it would be used for drinking water.

  16. Mohammad A.

    I found it infuriating as it required lots of patience and creativity with art.

    1. Mohammad A.

      If I was to sell my Mayan vessel it would be used for a vase I suppose what else could it be?It wouldn’t be like a cup or something related to it.It could be a pot but a vase is much more suitable for its design and structure.

  17. Steven N.

    If I sold my Mayan vessel it would be used for storing riches and coins.

  18. Muhammad R.

    I’ve enjoyed this unit because we got use clay and we had a dress up day

  19. Muhammad R.

    I’ve enjoyed this unit because we got use clay and we had a dress up day

  20. Bijan N.

    Sorry I did not do it

  21. Bijan N.

    Woops sorry I did not do that

  22. Bijan N.

    Never gonna give u up

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