Six Red’s Art Around the World Week!

Every child has gained this week!
At 9am on Monday, we didn’t know what Aboriginal meant but now we can tell you all about who they are? Where they live? Their traditions and stories and much much more!

Watch the video showcasing some of our key learning!
(Produced by the children, for the children)

Share your highlight of the week?

Well done to everyone for working incredibly hard this half term! We have made excellent progress! Everyone is applying their BH values daily!
We wish you all a happy, safe and relaxing half term break!

9 responses to “Six Red’s Art Around the World Week!”

  1. Muhammed A.

    My highlight of the weeks was when we learnt all about Billy Yirawala and created a double page spread however I also enjoyed learning about the patterns used in Aboriginal art.

  2. Sabah S.

    My highlights of the week were doing the batik and etching out the wood.

  3. Raees A.

    My highlight like doing the etching.

  4. Abdullah A.

    My highlight this week was when we were etching.

  5. Mishal N.

    My highlight of the week was that I really like etching the wood (bark) and learning about Dreamtime .Overall I also liked learning Billy Yirawala it was very fun doing a double page spread and I enjoyed using wax crayons for our batiks.

  6. Aiyla S.

    miss i was accidently logged on m sisters account

  7. Afsana K.

    My highlight of this project week was using the hot wax to make batik design.

  8. Aiyla S.

    My highlight is that i really liked learning about dreamtime stories and in fact i made my own dreamtime story, the nature serpent.

    1. Aiyla S.

      miss i was accidently logged on m sisters account

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