Today Year 1 have been learning about France!
After a discussion at the start of the day, it was clear that we had limited knowledge of France so we have made lots of progress today! To start the day off, the children introduced themselves in French!

We have developed our knowledge of maps to locate France. We also shared which countries are near France.

French and Music! We learnt basic greetings. We also listened to the Freres Jacques and sang it beautifully. We discussed how it made us feel too!

Dance! We learnt about and participated in a can can dance.
What did you think about this dance?

Cooking! We worked in groups to mix a range of ingredients to make crepes/ pancakes! What did you think of the crepes/pancakes you made?

Art – We used pointillism to create artwork in the style of Georges Seurat.

We took part in our vey own โ€™Tour de France!โ€™

We created the Eiffel Tower using different construction materials.

12 responses to “Y1 European Day – France”

  1. Maryam K.

    I Had so much fun doing all the activities

  2. Muhammed I.

    Ibrahim enjoy the European days and he enjoyed the make France ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท.

  3. Amina I.

    Amina was really happy colouring eiffel tower.

  4. Advika B.

    Well done everyone, looks like you all had so much fun

  5. Murtaza A.

    i had a great day especially learning how to speak in french.

  6. Mrs A Patel

    Wow , what a lovely fun full day we all have had! I enjoyed watching you all smiling and enjoying all activities. Well done year 1 keep smiling.

  7. Kayla P.

    I had lots of fun celebrating European day and learning about France. I enjoyed the can can dancing and making the pancakes and eating them.

  8. Duaa A.

    Wow… So many different activities celebrating European day ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท ! Great work :)

  9. Mrs Kiani

    Wow! Did you really do all these activities in 1 day, Year 1? I am so impressed! You clearly had a fantastic day!

  10. Evie T.

    Well done class looks like the children had a great time today ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜

    1. Shayan S.

      I had so much fun on European day๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท . We had done so much activities.

      1. Miss Smith

        Which was your favourite activity, Shayan?

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