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Year 3 Science – it’s quiz time!

Hi Year 3, after a fun afternoon yesterday setting up our plant growth investigation, here are some games and quizzes on BBC Bitesize you can have a go at to enhance your knowledge! Let us know what your score is!

Plants – KS2 Science – BBC Bitesize

11 responses to “Year 3 Science – it’s quiz time!”

  1. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    I have done my quis 5/5

  2. Meena B.

    The root is underground and helps the plant grow.
    The petal makes the plant pretty and makes it look like a sunflower but it’s a some kind of leaf. Also the petal is brightly coloured.
    The stem nutrients the water to all the different parts of the plants and makes the plant grow. It also supports and keeps the plant to stand up.
    The plant is the hole plant and plants collect energy from the sunlight but uses it to produce fruits that we eat.
    The pollinator then takes this pollen to another flower.

  3. Zaynab M.

    I liked it and I scored 5/5

  4. Arifa H.

    I liked the videos

  5. Alima S.

    It was fun.

  6. Khadijah M.

    I learnt that plants can grow in lots of places.

  7. Aaron G.

    It was amazing.

    1. Mrs Hurt

      Good! Did you learn anything new?

  8. Mohammed E.

    I’ve got full score.

    1. Mrs Hurt

      Well done! Did you learn anything new?

  9. Muhammad Y.

    I liked it😄

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