Year 4 have been working really hard this half term to become story tellers in Spanish!

They listened to the story of ’The Little Brown Mouse’ in Spanish first and used their language detecting skills to work out what it meant.

After this they began creating a word bank of food for their own stories and other useful vocabulary.

They then planned their own stories and created a comic strip of these! Look at their wonderful work below and see how well they have done!

What do you think of their work? I am immensely proud of ALL of them!

9 responses to “Year 4 Super Spanish Stories”

  1. Ahmed B.

    Well done everyone

  2. Kanishka P.

    I liked to make the story

  3. Ali A.

    Well done to everyone who tried their best.
    You all were great Spanish authors for a term.

  4. Ibrahim M.

    well done everyone

  5. Xlexben F.

    I watched the video.

  6. Miski M.

    Well done!

  7. Romeesa T.

    well done everyone

  8. Tipian I.

    It has good quality and a lot of intrest

  9. Sania K.


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