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Year 5 Basic Skills Week 6 – Reading

 Wednesday 15th December 2021

To answer reading comprehension questions

Please read the text ‘A Christmas Carol’ and answer the comprehension questions at the end!


11 responses to “Year 5 Basic Skills Week 6 – Reading”

  1. Hammad A.

    1) Marley is the one that died in the beginning.
    2) Scrooge signed the burial registration.
    3) The way how Marley was described as dead a doornail.
    4) The words describing Scrooge is stingy.
    5) The weather was foggy and dark.
    6) Scrooge ‘s nephew says ‘merry Christmas’ uncle.

  2. Samanta V.

    Ok I’ll do in my homework or paper

  3. Safiyah P.

    1. Marley died at the beginning.
    2.The clergyman, the undertaker, the clerk, the chief mourner and Scrooge signed it.
    3.The simile the author used was ‘dead as a door nail.’
    5.’It was cold,bleak,biting weather:foggy withal;’ went he went in his office.
    6. His Nephew

  4. Muhammed A.

    Who has died at the beginning of the story?
    Marley died at the beginning because we go evidence from the text.
    Who singed the register for Marley’s burial register?
    Scrooge singed the burial register.
    What simile does the author use to describe how dead Marley actually was?
    He was like a door nail because it said in the text.
    Umar,Shaikh and Jasmine

  5. Luxor A.

    Gufran and Luxor
    1. In the beginning Marley died
    2. The person who register Marley burial was Scrooge
    3. The adjective that the author used to describe Marley is dead as a door nail.
    4. The two adjectives that describe Scrooge is old and sharp.
    5.It was cold and dark

  6. Lawy A.

    1. A man called Marley died at the beginning of the story.
    2.Scrooge signed the register of Marley’s burial.
    3.The author described Marley’s death as dead as an door nail.
    4.Scrooge was described as old and sharp.
    5.Inside of Scrooge’s count house, the weather was dark,cold and foggy.
    6.Scrooge’s nephew said ‘Merry Christmas,Uncle!’.

    Aisha,Lawy,Inaaya and Rubinio

  7. Joel G.

    1) Marley is the one that died in the beginning.
    2) Scrooge signed the burial registration.
    3) The way how Marley was described as dead a doornail.
    4) The words describing Scrooge is old and long pointy nose.
    5) The weather was foggy and dark.
    6) Scrooge ‘s nephew says merry Christmas uncle

  8. Amanah S.

    Amanah Serina faizan hasti
    1)Marley died at the beginning
    2)scrooge signed the register
    3)as dead as a nail
    4)The two adjectives are hard and sharp
    5)it was dark and cold
    6)The person who said merry Christmas uncle what Scrooge’s nephew

  9. Zainab A.

    1. Marley died at the start of the story.
    2. Scrooge registered for Marley’s burial.
    3. Old Marley was as dead as a door nail.
    4. Two adjectives are old and sharp.
    5. The weather was cold and thundering.
    6.Scrooge’s nephew said merry Christmas 🎄

    Sumayyah Zainab and Lillie

  10. Safa M.

    1. Marley died at the start of the story I know this because the title is Marleys ghost which suggest that he is dead.
    2. The person that signed marleys burial register is Scrooge
    3. They described Marley as dead as a door nail because in the text it said Marley was dead as a door nail.
    4. Scrooge was described as was an old sinner and he had thin blue lips.
    5. The weather when Scrooge sat down was foggy and dark like a storm was about to happen.
    6. The person that said ‘ merry Christmas uncle ‘ was his nephew in the text it said ‘merry Christmas uncle said his nephew ‘
    Zak. K

  11. Maryam G.

    1) Marley died at the beginning of the story.
    2) Scrooge signed the register for Marley’s burial.
    3) The simile the author used was ‘as dead as a door-nail’.
    4) The three adjectives were’ old, hard and sharp’.
    5) The weather was dark and foggy when Scrooge sat in his counting house,
    6) Scrooge’s nephew said ‘Merry Christmas’ uncle.


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