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Year 6: Thinking hard Thursday…

What is stress? How does stress affect the body?

What is anxiety? How can you identify if you are feeling anxious?

35 responses to “Year 6: Thinking hard Thursday…”

  1. Abdullah A.

    Anxiety is when you don’t know what’s going to happen and your scared that something bad might happen.

    Stress is like pressure when you have to many thing to do.

  2. Xavier M.

    1) Stress is a emotion that your body experiences when your body is overwhelmed or under pressure

    1. Xavier M.

      1b) When stress your body can experience physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, high blood pressure and more.

      2a) Anxiety is a feeling of uneasy such as worry or fear of an vent coming up.
      2b) Signs of anxiety are feeling tired, increased heart rate, trouble concentrating and more

      By Abdullah An and Xavier

  3. Elyas S.

    Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure.
    Stress effects the body when we are tired or overwhelmed.

    1. Elyas S.

      Anxiety is when you are very nervous and when you can feel anxiety it’s probably because someone is frightening you.

  4. Yalda N.

    What is stress? How does stress affect the body?
    Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping.
    What is anxiety? How can you identify if you are feeling anxious?
    Common anxiety signs and symptoms include: Feeling nervous, restless or tense.

  5. Rahima J.

    What is stress?
    Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure.

    How does stress affect the body?
    Stress can lead to headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping.

    What is anxiety?
    A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

    How can you identify if you are feeling anxious?
    feeling tense, nervous or unable to relax. Having a sense of dread, or fearing the worst. Feeling like the world is speeding up or slowing down.

  6. Asilah K.

    What is stress?
    Stress is a feeling of being overwhelmed with mental or emotional pressure. Stress is caused when you feel like you lost something or when you feeling scared and anxious you body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. As well stress can impact you body because when you are stressed you have physical symptoms such as headaches, cheats pain, high blood pressure and you won’t be able to sleep.
    What is anxiety?
    Anxiety is when your feeling nervous ,restless or tense anxiety is a feeling of ease such as worry or fear everybody has feelings of anxiety some point in their life’s.
    5 symptoms for anxiety:
    Hight blood pressure
    Having an increased heart rate
    Feeling weak or tired
    Anxiety can impact your body because there are symptoms that will affect you body.

  7. Muhammad S.

    Stress is pressure from something that worries you e.g You need to do impress your friends but you don’t have the time.This impacts us on our wellbeing (physical and mental health) when your friend or someone you might know or have a close relationship with might tell you to do something you are not allowed to do at first you might say no but they will start calling you all sorts of names and you think “ Maybe I should try this out” this type of stress is called peer pressure and it effects children a lot

  8. Timothy C.

    What is stress? How does stress affect the body?
    Stress is an emotion that you can show for example: sighing or other stuff.
    If you’re constantly under stress, you can have physical symptoms, such as headaches, an upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pain, and sleeping problems. Stress can also lead to emotional problems, depression, panic attacks, or other forms of anxiety and worry.
    What is anxiety? How can you identify if you are feeling anxious?
    Anxiety is an emotion (anxiety is basically an synonym for nervous).
    Will finish later….

    1. Timothy C.

      You can identify feeling nervous because most people would play with their fingers or fidget with stuff if they are nervous.
      Also it. An feel like a combination of anxiety, dread, and excitement all at once. Your palms may get sweaty, your heart rate may increase, and you may feel that fluttery nervous stomach feeling. Anything that causes apprehension or fear can lead to feelings of nervousness.

  9. Shabaz

    1) Stress is when you feel worried or uncomfortable about somethings. These worries in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, frustrated, scared or anxious — which can give you a stomachache or a headache.
    2) Feeling anxious can happen when we feel nervous, frightened or uneasy about something. It is okay to feel this way from time to time, as it part of our body’s natural response to a situation we are not comfortable with.

  10. Yousuf I.

    What is stress?
    Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure.

    How does stress affect our body?
    If you’re constantly under stress, you can have physical symptoms, such as headaches, an upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pain, and problems with sleep. Stress can also lead to emotional problems
    depression, panic attacks, or other forms of anxiety and worry.

    What is anxiety ?
    Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview.

    How can you identify anxiety?

    Feeling nervous, restless or tense.
    Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom.
    Having an increased heart rate.
    Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
    Feeling weak or tired.
    Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry.

  11. Zaid M.

    By adeena and zaid.

  12. Ali K.

    Indicators of stress and anxiety are:
    feeling tired,angry or thinking of the worse case or scenario.You may be frustrated with other people or yourself ,you may also be exhausted.Not being able to concentrate on the task at hand.

    By Ali and Archi,

  13. Zaid M.

    Q1.Stress is our body’s reaction when we feel threatened or under pressure.Stress is very common and can both be beneficial and not beneficial.Stress can affect our body if we feel that we have to much pressure on our shoulders and we can break down and not do it. But sometimes stress can be positive because it will motivate us to work harder or to be more determined.
    Q2. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness and unease. It can cause you to panic or fear certain situations and people. Anxiety can affect someone both mentally and physically, emotionally and socially. Anxiety can be a positive factor for us to achieve our goals.Also when anxiety is continuous, it can affect our ability to to the most simplest tasks.
    Q3.Causing anxiety and stress:
    Friendship issues,
    Lack of confidence,
    Financial care,
    Climate Change (etc).

  14. Qasim K.

    It can effect you to get motivates or you get in a meltdown . stress is a lots of things pile up and you become scared.
    Anxiety is when you feel anxious and things become very hard ,we all feel this in different ways like the simple tasks become impossible.You can feel his by felling thence anxious weird and annoyed for no reason .

  15. Umaiza T.

    1) Stress is our body’s reaction of feeling under a lot of pressure. It is very common and it can be both beneficial and non beneficial. The positive effect is that it has the ability to motivate us. The negative effect is that when we feel overwhelmed by the stress, it causes us to feel out of control

    2) Anxiety is when there is a feeling of unease or worry. It can cause people to panic or fear of certain situations. It affects some people physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. It can be a motivating factor.

    1. Umaiza T.

      Umaiza and Ayomide.

  16. Marwa H.

    Stress is when you can be threatened and be under pressure.It can sometimes be due to us having too much over our minds.
    It can affect our bodies by lowering our self esteem,lower our mood and even our confidence.
    Stress can motivate ourselves.It can make us anxious.

    Anxiety is when you feel worried about something or like insecure.
    You get overwhelmed and nervous.It can make you fear of something or someone.There are many different types of anxiety which different types of people can get.It can affect your day to day life.
    Anxiety can occur mentally and physically.Like stress it can also motivate you to do something that you may be worried about or it may be to achieve a personal goal.
    Anxiety and stress can be caused due to:
    -family issues
    -exams or tests
    -showing self-doubt
    -avoiding people
    -too many things to do
    It can affect your body by getting physical symptoms such as headaches,stomach pains,nausea,shaking,dizziness,overwhelming tiredness,changes in appetite,dry mouth,unable to relax etc.
    I can identify that I am feeling anxious when sometimes I have to meet somebody which I have not met before or someone I don’t want to.
    I try to not contact with people and sometimes let my anger out on other people.

  17. Aamina B.

    1)Stress is when your body feels under pressure or threatened.Spmetimes stress causes positive and negative effects on our body.Sometimes it motivates us to do things but if it is too much the it is not good for your physical and mental wellbeing.
    2)Anxiety is when you are anxious or nervous about a certain thing.Sometime people can overthink about it and what’s going to happen. When you constantly go through anxiety it can affect your daily routines and even your future.
    Alexis= I know when I am anxious about something I fidget a lot and I overthink too much (even if there is nothing to be anxious about). I also get anxious about my family a lot.
    Aamina=I know when I am anxious I begin to overthink everything (even if is nothing major) and also I begin to fidget with my fingers.
    Safya: I get anxiety when I hear really loud noises or I’m stressed about something.
    My fingers start to tap on my knees.

  18. Yahya K.

    1a stress is our reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure.stress is very common and can be both beneficial and not beneficial
    1bit affects you in a positive or a negative way

    2a Anxiety is a feeling of unease,like worry or fear .it can cause you to to panic or be fearful of certain situations,events or people.anxiety can affect a person physically,mentally emotionally and socially
    2b you can identify this by seeing your scared depressed you feel more emotional than usual

    1. Yahya K.

      Also Abubaker helped

  19. Ali K.

    Stress is our body’s reaction to feel threatened or is under pressure and it can be common stress can affect our body If your under pressure and can make us feel out of control
    Anxiety is when your worried, nervous or even depressed about a certain thing.You may be fearful of certain situations.Anxiety could be related to public or private events.It could effect you personally or mentally.To some people it can be a motivating factor and help you complete task but consent anxiety or to much can have negative consequences on your mental health.

    By Ali and Archi,

  20. Armaan M.

    Anxiety is similar to fear. A way I identify whether I am stressed is when I move around, sty like that for half a second only to turn back to how I was originally.

  21. Rajbir B.

    Stress- if your feeling stressed then it’s like another word for pressure.
    It’s when your under pressure.
    An negative effect is that it ruins your confidence.
    An positive effect is that it motovates you.

    Anxiety-A feeling of unease or when your worried. It can cause you to panic. When I’m feeling anxious I normally fiddle with my fingers.

  22. Ouzair A.

    1.) Stress is a reaction stress is a feeling or a reaction of getting to much pressure and head ache an example of pressure is reading to much books because reading books are boring for most people and if you read to much then you get pressure and a head ache for a moment.
    2.) Anxiety is when you think you can’t do something and then it shatters your self esteem and it makes your day worser and you get overwhelmed and really worried. e.g. So your teacher gives you homework of 1000 words and you say “ There is no way I can do that” but your friend can do it with all of the pressure.

  23. Hajrah S.

    What is stress? How does stress affect the body?
    Stress is when you feel under pressure and feeling threatened.
    Positive effect-stress can motivate you if you have work to do and the deadline is midnight it motivates you to do you work.
    If you feel stressed you can start to feel mentally and physically exhausted.
    What is anxiety? How can you identify if you are feeling anxious?
    Anxiety is when you feel a bit depressed ,unease and fear .anxiety can effect you mentally,emotionally,physically and socially.anxiety can be motivating factor to achieve personal goals.when you have constant anxiety it can affect your ability to do your every day routine.


  24. Bolu

    Bolu : Stress is when you feel pressured but there are good amounts of stress and it motivates you . Sometimes is can it make your self-esteem low as this is bad your you .
    Alina : Anxiety is a feeling of unease like worry or fear everyone feels it .
    If you anxiety is constant this could effect your daily life style but it could motivate you to do it. You can feel anxiety when your heart is beating with out doing any exercise. I know when I have anxiety is when I need space and I have tension and I am all clunged up.

  25. Muhammad R.

    What is stress. Street makes you under pressure and could give motivation for people example our teacher friend could do sa and as because she like pressure but our teacher miss….. doesn’t really like pressure and just releases all of it.

    What is anxiety.anxiety just give you stress and make you a little depressed example miss …… when she meets different people she fell nervous

  26. Hamaad D.

    Stress is our body’s reaction when you feel threatened and under presssure. This can be beneficial and not beneficial. To much stress can give low mood and lower self esteem.

    1. Hamaad D.

      Anxiety is when you feel uneasy,worried or fearful. It causes panic or fear of certain situations or events. Anxiety can affect someone physically and mentally.
      At some moments,anxiety can become overwhelming. Someone people use this to try harder,but some people break down and give up.

  27. Zain A.

    Negatives: Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases.
    Posotives: Manageable stress increases alertness and performance. And by encouraging the growth of stem cells that become brain cells, stress improves memory. The increase in stem cells and neuron generation makes sense from an adaptive point of view.

    Common anxiety signs and symptoms include: Feeling nervous, restless or tense. Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom. Having an increased heart rate.

  28. Iqra

    Stress is the body’s reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. Stress is common and it can be beneficial and not beneficial. Too much stress can affect our mood, our body and our relationships.

    1. Iqra

      Anxiety is a feeling of unease, like worry or fear. It can cause you to panic or be fearful of certain situations, events or people. Anxiety can affect a person physically, mentally, emotionally and society.

      Anxiety is something that everyone feels at times and, like stress, it can be a motivating factor to achieve goals.

      When anxiety is constant it can affect our ability to complete daily routine.

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