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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

It’s been great this week to see all the students back in school, and I can’t wait to get started for PE from next week. I would like to give some information to parents before we start.

PE Days

Your child will have PE on the following days;

Monday: Year 4 and Year 5

Tuesday: Year 3 and Year 6

Wednesday: Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday: Reception

Friday: Nursery

PE Kit

Clothes for PE – students need to wear their blue Broad Heath PE top, with dark coloured sports trousers or shorts. They also need footwear that is suitable for outdoor sports, such as trainers but not studded shoes. PE will be taking part outside all year so children will also need a waterproof jacket that can be used for sports.

Jewellery – Students should not be wearing any earrings, wrist bands or necklaces for PE activities as this is not safe. Students must be able to remove their own jewellery, and if they cannot they should not be wearing it to school.

After School Clubs

All after school clubs take place for 5 weeks, and all finish by 3:55. If your child has been selected you need to fill in the form on the blog even if you do not wish to attend. This helps us find other students who can go in time. Collection will always be by Webster Park gate, not by St Pauls gate or by the school office.

18 responses to “PE At Broad Heath 2021-22”

  1. Afreen S.

    Thanks for the information

  2. Hosanna N.

    Thank you

  3. Sulaiman A.

    Thank you 😊

  4. Hammad A.


  5. Aamina B.

    Thank you.

  6. Aleena I.

    Thank you for the information.

  7. Mustafa A.

    I’m so excited

  8. Simeongeya W.

    i can’t wait

  9. Shemaiah W.

    i love PE

  10. Absi P.


  11. Elyas S.

    Thanks for the information.

  12. Hammad A.

    were do we sign up

  13. Syed A.

    Ok thank you for information mr Rawlings

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