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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


1W This Is Me!

WOW 1White! You have settled into Year 1 fantastically! This week has been all about US and how we are unique individuals. We have learnt to work as a team, to show respect, to be kind and to be honest. We have been looking at the story of the Rainbow Fish to support our learning.

Have a look at what we got up to…

1White, you now have your blog log ins on the back of your reading journals. Please leave a comment and tell me something you have learnt this week…

What have you enjoyed?

What happened in the story of the Rainbow Fish?

18 responses to “1W This Is Me!”

  1. Freya S.

    Freya enjoyed the big play ground and being able to see her friends after a long holiday. She likes her new teacher

  2. Amelia R.

    Playing on the adventure play ground.
    He wasnt sharing

  3. Aadyan W.

    Aadyan enjoyed drawing the rainbow fish.
    The rainbow fish didn’t share his scales and then at the end the rainbow fish was kind and gave his scales to the other fishs.

  4. Dominik B.

    I enjoyed learning about the rainbow fish . In the story the rainbow fish didn’t share his scales . But in the end he decided he would share.

  5. Esa I.

    Esa realy enjoyed drawing the rainbow fish,
    Esa learned that rainbow fish is very colourful,

    Retelling Story by Esa

    Rainbow fish was very mean with all the fishes and nobody played with her so she went to octopus and asked, “why nobody play with me”
    Octopus replies,
    “You have to share one of your scale with all the fishes asking for it”
    Then rainbow fish shared it with all , and become realy nice, all became friends.

    1. Miss Smith

      Great job Esa! You have made me very proud already in Year 1!

      Remember lots of fish are still called ‘fish’ not ‘fishes’.

      5 dojo points for commenting! :)

  6. Shayan S.

    Shayan enjoyed 1 week at 1w. He enjoyed colouring the rainbow fish. He also enjoyed using ipads and also liked playing adventure play ground.
    Thanks teaching Mrs Smith and Mrs Patel for continous hardwork with Shayan. Much appreciated.

    1. Miss Smith

      I am so glad you had fun Shayan! You are very welcome – it has been a pleasure! I was SO proud today that Shayan was the only person who could log into the blog all by himself! 5 dojo points! :)

  7. Sulaiman A.

    Sulaiman enjoyed drawing the rainbow fish and liked colouring it.
    The wise octopus told the rainbow fish to give all his other scales to them.

    1. Miss Smith

      5 dojo points Sulaiman! I love how you described the octopus as ‘wise’. Good boy!

  8. Mrs A Patel

    Wow 1 While, what a lovely video! I really enjoyed watching you all smiling, working hard and playing nicely with your friends. Well done!

    1. Miss Smith

      Thank you for taking the time to watch our video, Mrs Patel! Here’s to another great week!

    2. Aiyla S.

      Aiyla said she enjoyed the adventure
      playground and she’s happy to be back at school with her friends.

      The rainbow fish was not sharing her scales

  9. Mr Mahmood

    How brilliant are 1W!? In only 1 week you have already made SO much progress! I cannot wait to see you guys make amazing progress throughout the year 🏆

    1. Miss Smith

      Thank you so much Mr Mahmood! We will be sure to come and show you our very best work!

  10. Zakariyah A.

    Zakariyah has really enjoyed his first week in year 1. He said he loved everything about it. He loved cooking and eating the food he made, and especially the adventure playground

    1. Miss Smith

      5 dojo points for commenting on the blog, Zakariyah! :) I am soooo glad you had lots of fun! You have been such a super BH citizen all week and have made me very proud. Well done!

  11. Mrs J Patel

    WOW 1 White ….What a great start of learning. You have all has such a brilliant week of learning. The video shows all the evidence using lots of
    different skills eg. Creativity,reading.writing speaking and listening.
    Miss Smith and myself are so proud of you all. we have GAINED! See you all on Monday for some more super learning.

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