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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

This half term we are reading ‘Skellig’ a book written by David Almond.

PDF copy to use when reading together in class.


Draw the characters/ setting or Skellig based on the description for our reading display!

3 responses to “Year 6 Class Novel (Autumn)”

  1. Ilyas I.

    I think that Skellig is a dead, reincarnated creature with wings.

  2. Safwan U.

    I perdict that there a killer in the garage that murders propel that stay there.

  3. Umar H.

    I predict that the story is based on a creature that is living in the garage from what I know so far,I also predict that it is a type of flying skeleton because from the title it says Skellig so I predict it’s a skeleton

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