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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

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UPDATED: Further Trip information for Year 2

Hi Parents and Carers.
As you know, Year 2 are going on their trip to the seaside on Thursday. We will be leaving at 8am sharp, so your child needs to be in school no later than 7:45am please. If you are late, the coach will not wait. Please arrive via the Hanford Close entrance.

We are also planning on buying an ice lolly when we are there. Also, we have to buy toilet passes for the day as the public beach side toilets charge. With this in mind, please can you send your child in with £1.50 to cover these costs.

Children can wear comfy clothes and shoes appropriate for the beach but please have their school jumper on as well. There is a chance of rain during the hours we are there, so please send your child with a waterproof jacket please.

If you would like to bring a bucket and spade, please bring it in named bag.

We are hoping to be back by 5pm, maybe even before, so please look out for information posted on the blog that afternoon.

If you have any further questions, please as one of the Year 2 staff.

6 responses to “UPDATED: Further Trip information for Year 2”

  1. Sidrah S.

    Thank you for the information.

  2. Aiza B.

    Thanks 😊

  3. Emil D.

    Hi, as Emil is taking his own packed lunch does this need to be in a plastic bag or can he take his own bag lunch with him? Are they aloud to take a backpack with them?

  4. Yasmin A.

    You thank you

  5. Javishan R.

    Thank you 😊

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