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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


1Blue – Science WK2

Today, the children carried out a test. Their scientific question was; Can sound travel along a piece of string? Let’s take a look and see how they got on!

The children shared that this was the best day ever! I think they had fun!
Using your sense of hearing, can you share what you can hear at home in the comment section below? Use the sentence starter below.

I can hear…

6 responses to “1Blue – Science WK2”

  1. Emraan A.

    I can hear the tv sound and adult talking.

  2. Dhonshan R.

    I can hear calling bell, vehicle noise,bird’s songs and ambulance sound.

  3. Maximilian J.

    I can hear doors closing and adults talking and washing machine working and TV sounds.

  4. Iqra A.

    I can hear at home door closing, tv sound,

  5. Anu K.

    I can hear the doors closing

  6. Anu K.

    I had a lovely day in the school playing with the string and cups.

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