
please see your homework. Remember this needs to be completed by Wednesday 29th September 2021. You need to choose 2 pieces to complete. For TTRS you need to log in and play for longer than 10 minutes we can see how long you spend on there!

For science you can do the rock quiz here then post to tell us your score:


For English Read the story below and answer the following questions:

Who is the hero?

Who is the enemy?

What is the problem?

How was it resolved?

What was the adventure?

Here are the first few pages of an adventure story called Oliver and The Seawigs. Read the story carefully, then try these challenges.

Here are the first few pages of an adventure story called Oliver and The Seawigs. Read the story carefully, then try these challenges.

149 responses to “Year 3 Homework Autumn 1 Week 2”

  1. Muhammed K.

    The hero was Oliver Crisp
    There was no enemies in the story
    There was nothing else to explore which was the problem
    They sorted this out by going home after the quest
    Exploring the mountains was the adventure

  2. Lawan R.

    I got 6

    The hero was Oliver
    There were no eneimies in the story
    The problem was there was nothing else to explore
    They soled this by going home after there quest
    The adventure was exploring the mountans

  3. Aisha A.

    Oliver was the hero.
    The Enemy where his parents.The problem was that there was nothing left to explore.
    Buy doing nothing to do.
    The adventure was exploring.

  4. Aisha A.

    I got 9/10 in science

  5. Keaton O.


    1. Mrs Walker

      Good boy for compleating your times tables Keaton. Can you tell me what your score was on TTRS?

  6. Keaton O.

    1.Oliver was the hero.
    2.There were no enemies in the story.
    3.The problem was that there was nothing else to explore.
    4.It was solved by Oliver and his parents.
    5.The adventure was exploring.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Why do you say that there was nothing to explore? An you describe the setting for me?

  7. Rehyan M.

    I have done my maths and science homework
    Maths:TTRS 36/38

  8. Nma M.

    I did TTRS and I got 20 correct and I did the quiz and I got 8/10.

  9. Bethany P.

    I have got 8/10 on science

  10. Mohammed D.

    Keyan Dean

    The hero was Oliver.
    There were no enemies in the story.
    The problem was there was nothing else to explore.
    They solved this by going home.
    The adventure was exploring.

  11. Janelle O.

    I have finished all my work.

  12. Janelle O.

    1.Oliver was the hero.
    2.Oliver’s parents were the enemy.
    3.they had nothing to explore.
    4.they were explore exploring.
    5.they were going up a mountain.

  13. Aqsaa F.

    I have done the science work and I got 6/ 10 and I went TTRS

  14. Welat M.

    1. Oliver Crisp was the hero.
    2. There were no enemies in the story.
    3. The problem was that there was nothing else to explore.
    4. It was solved by Oliver and his parents going back home and Oliver would be starting next term at the school in St Porrocks.
    5. The adventure was the parents exploring everyone.

  15. Robyn B.

    i got 3 on the maths work but will practice my 3 times table at home with mum and scored 4/10 in the science quiz :)

  16. Mrs Begum

    Amazing Nihal, well done!

    The problem was that there was nothing left to explore.
    If you was write an adventure for Oliver where would the scene be set and why?

  17. Ahmed O.

    I have practiced my 3 times tables. I scored 4/10 on the quiz.

  18. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    1. The hero – Oliver
    2. Enemy – nobody
    3. Problem – No adventure

  19. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    I have finished my homework.

    1. Miss Roberts

      No you have only completed 3 questions, please could you complete all the work?
      What was your second piece?

  20. Arifa H.

    1. The hero is Oliver crisp
    2. The enemy is Mr and Mrs crisp
    3. There were no my places to explore
    4. They went back home and quit.
    5. The adventure was visiting all different places.

    1. Arifa H.

      I got 6/10 on the quiz

    2. Mrs Walker

      Explain why Mr and Mrs Crisp were the enemy?

  21. Amina H.


    1. Mrs Begum

      well done . Keep practising your time tables.

  22. Amina H.

    I have done the science work and I got 10/ 10.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Amazing! Can you tell me how a sedimentary rock is formed?

  23. Inder S.

    I have done my TTRS challenge.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done , keep on practising . what is…..3×6= 3×5= 4×5=

  24. Delilah R.

    I can’t log in to my account yo do the quiz it says wrong password

    1. Miss Roberts

      ok, thank you for choosing to do another piece of homework!

  25. Delilah R.

    I practiced my tables I played alot and bought some new hair for my avatar 🙂

  26. Delilah R.

    Who is the hero?
    I think the parents are Olivers hero because they took him to live in a home and that is was he really wanted .

    Who is the enemy?
    I think there is no enemies in this story so far .

    What is the problem?
    They had explored every where now and was no where else to explore also Oliver had never made freinds or had his own room or even felt like he had a home.

    How was it resolved?
    They all went to there house to live a normal life .

    What was the adventure?
    The new adventure for Oliver was he was going to be doing things he had not done before like make freinds , go to school and wake up to the same view everyday.

  27. Afsa P.

    The hero is Oliver crisp.
    The enemy is Mrs crisp and Mr crisp.
    The problem is that the lost city of
    propacopakatl was longer lost.
    It was resolved by Oliver crisp.
    The adventer is that they are explores.


    I got 1 rong on the since
    I got 11 out of 11 on TTRS

    1. Mrs Begum

      Your science score is well done for trying. Well done for getting 11/11 on TTRS.
      Can you name me the rock which is formed in layers?

  28. Khadijah M.

    I have completed my rock quiz and got most of the answers correct (7/10).
    Oliver and his parents are the hero’s of the story.
    The enemies in this story may be the Seawigs.
    There were no more expeditions to explore.
    They have come home and Oliver started school.
    The adventure was to find the lost city of Propacopaketl.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done great effort. what is the name of the rock which is formed by pressure and heat?

      English read the text on the 3rd slide.
      The adventure was to find the lost city of Propacopaketl.
      Is this true?

  29. Vaneza S.

    1. The hero of the story is Oliver.
    2. There are no enemies in the story.
    3. Oliver can’t go to the school ,he have a no friends, he has no bedroom.
    4. There were no more adventures so Oliver’s parents came back home.
    5. Mount Everest ,Temple of Amon Hotep,elephants graveyards,Lost city of
    Propacopaketl ,Mystry of the Mokele Mbembe Marshes.

    1. Mrs Begum

      good effort. If Oliver did go school what kind of adventure do you think he will considering his background?

  30. Vaneza S.

    I have done the quiz my score is 9\10.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Amazing! What type is formed by the cooling down of Magma?

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