
1Blue – English and Science!

It has been a very busy day in 1Blue! The children showed off their fantastic acting, speaking and role-playing skills for English. They acted out the story, Alien School! Please watch the video below to see how brilliantly they did!

For Science this week, the children explored 2 scientific questions! The first question was: How do my eyes allow me to see and the second question was: How does my sense of touch keep me safe? Please watch the videos below.

Enhance your scientific knowledge by reading the fact files below with your parent. Can you remember any facts you learnt in your lesson?

6 responses to “1Blue – English and Science!”

  1. Haseeb B.

    I learned about sense hand to touch things and ears for hear, nose to smell,

  2. Noah M.

    Every one good job.πŸͺ–πŸ’ΌπŸ₯ΎπŸ’‰πŸͺ–πŸ’ΌπŸ•ΆπŸ”¦

  3. Maryam K.

    I had so much fun! πŸ˜€

  4. Duaa A.

    Lots of ways experimented using their senses, so much fun! Duaa said she enjoyed touching the jelly because it felt cold, soft and had a nice smell. The ice was ‘freezing cold’ :)

  5. Iqra A.

    I learned about sense of touch and hearing πŸ‘‚.

  6. Anu K.

    Will done 😊😊

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