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3 Blue face Stone Age problems

This afternoon 3 Blue had a glimpse of life during the Stone Age and the problems they faced. We made cave paintings, Stone Age hunting tools as well as learning the skills of weaving and grinding flour.

Was life easy during the Stone Age? Why?

What other problems did they face during the Stone Age?

13 responses to “3 Blue face Stone Age problems”

  1. Amirah T.

    No, it was not easy because we had to grind a lot of seeds to make flour.
    ne of the problems they had to face
    is that they had to make weapons with stone.

  2. Zaynab M.

    It was fun but it was hard work to do

  3. Ramandeep K.

    It was difficult.
    They had no electricity.

  4. Erawyo P.

    The stone age was hard as people had to use a lot of stones and without stones they could not do anything. Also they didn’t had any clothes to wear and they had to live in caves wich i belive was really hard for them especially for those wich had babies.

  5. Mohammed K.

    Life was not easy during the stone age because they had make their own weapons to hunt for their food.
    The other problems they faced were they didn’t have any clothes to wear and they lived in caves.

  6. Arifa H.

    No because it took so long to make a good amount of flour.
    They had to survive from wild animals and the coldness

  7. Adam O.

    1. Life was not easy because they had no electricity or technology.
    2. Other problems they had was no running water, no clothes, no shoes, no clocks, no cars and no tv.

  8. Khadeeja M.

    Was life easy during the Stone Age? Why?
    Life was not easy during the Stone Age because they had to grain their seeds for food.

    What other problems did they face during the Stone Age?
    Their problems were to find water and food.

    1. Khadeeja M.

      And they don’t have clothes,tv,cars,lights,shoes and socks.

  9. Ahmad R.

    It is true

    1. Ahmad R.

      1 It is hard because hunt for food.
      2.they couldn’t watch tv.

  10. Hamsia D.

    Was life easy during the Stone Age? Why?
    Much of life during the Stone Age was extremely difficult. Food was scarce and it was very cold. It was difficult in the Stone Age because they didn’t have any food.
    What other problems did they face during the Stone Age?
    The other problems they faced were that they had no electricity, they did not have any food or water and they didn’t have clothes.

  11. Alima S.

    Life was not easy it was had because they had to grain seeds and to make
    There own weapons and house they need to hunt there food and grow them and they had to use wild dogs to help them.

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