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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of whatโ€™s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Remember, to send work on SharePoint and reply to the blog saying sent only.

English Homework – To write a library entry

Write a diary entry from the point of view of Buzz Aldrin or Neil Armstrong when they landed on the moon.
Log in to PURPLE MASH to complete. Remember to click hand in.

Maths – conversion

What is the distance to the moon from Earth?
In km? In m? In cm!?
Ext: What is the distance from Earth to the other planets in our solar system?

Complete in homework book with all calculations and send workings out to this Sharepoint.

Wow – Design and Technology

Make a model of the Apollo 11 rocket. The most detailed and accurate models will be showcased.

Take photo and send wow work to this sharepoint

All work must be complete by Wednesday. Have a good weekend and see you all in your PE kits on Monday. No swimining next week.

44 responses to “Year 5 Homework Week 5”

  1. Khairy S.

    I did my Mats and wow homework

  2. Tahiyan C.

    I have done my maths and i did wow homework.

  3. Taha A.

    I have done my wow homework.

  4. Ayaan B.

    I done my maths homework and uploaded it

  5. Zahra A.

    i have sent my math work.

  6. Taha A.

    I have done my math homework.

  7. Joel G.

    I have uploaded my wow and maths work

  8. Muhammad J.

    I have done my English homework

  9. Muhammad J.


  10. Muhammad J.

    I sended my mqths work

    1. Head Teacher

      I sent my maths work not sended.

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