School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Please choose 2 activities to complete.

Maths – Please complete the Maths challenge. You will find this here:
Please comment when you have completed and uploaded your work.

English – Please log onto Purple Mash (use the same login details – check your diary). Look in your 2dos. You will find a task called ‘Alien Captions’. Choose an alien and write some sentences to describe it. Remember to save your work.

WOW Homework

Ask your grown up to blindfold you and give you 5 different foods to smell. Can you describe the smell? Can you guess what it is?

Send photos or a video to our sharepoint link.




51 responses to “Y1 Homework Week 5”

  1. Freya S.

    Miss Smith

    Was there new spellings given ?

    Freya Was looking in her bag for new week 7 spellings to learn in holidays for new spelling tests

  2. Elisei P.

    I done my homework

  3. Amelia R.

    Amelia done her maths, she will do her English tomorrow sorry its late

  4. Natan R.

    Natan completed his homework we send it

  5. Evie T.

    Evie has completed her purple mash homework

  6. Reyn T.

    Réyn lioved doing her smell challenge. She’s goin to do the rest of her homework tomorrow 👌😊

    1. Reyn T.

      And she got all the smells correct 👌

  7. Rahman A.

    Rahman A complete his homework .

  8. Kayla P.

    Kayla has complete the bronze and silver challenge for the maths challenge and completed the English on purple mash. Her work has been uploaded.

  9. Rahman A.

    Rahman A complete his work.

  10. Adam O.

    Adam has completed his homework.

  11. Liyana M.

    Liyana has completed her homework.

  12. Tala I.

    Tala completed Maths challenge and wow homework.

  13. Emaan S.

    Emaan has done her homework

  14. Iqra S.

    iqra will do english and maths

  15. Saalihah H.

    Wow hwk
    Ketchup – bitter
    Pepsi – sugary
    BBQ sauce – smokey
    Tea – strong
    Mango chutney – sour

  16. Haris S.

    I have finished my homework thank you .

  17. Ahsan M.

    I have completed my work and sent it to the SharePoint.

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