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4 White’s Art Around the World Week!

This week, 4 White have been learning about Eastern European art! We started off the week by looking at collaborative artists Ilya And Emilia Kabakov and their work. Taking inspiration from their landscape pictures, 4 White worked together as a team to produce a piece of landscape art using all the skills learned throughout the week.

Please watch the video below that showcases this weeks learning.

What new skills have you learned this week?
Which skills did you use to help create the class landscape?
What was your favourite part of the week?

5 responses to “4 White’s Art Around the World Week!”

  1. Sarah A.

    I have learned different types of stitches. I used sketch fate lines snd one way wen you’re painting.My favourite part of the week was painting the beg landscape art.

  2. Sarah A.

    I have learned different types of stitches. I used sketch fate lines snd one way wen you’re painting.My favourite part of thd week was painting the beg landscape art.

  3. Najma O.

    What kind of new skills did you learn ?
    I have learnt how to stitch but it was really complicating and I have learnt lots and lots about the kabakovs Ilya and Emilia kabakovs they are old but there art is really good fabulous .

    We all use teamwork and the skills we used is drawing ✍️ and painting 🎨
    and we used a range of different types of brush strokes with paint brushes.

    My favourite part was to stitch it was nice and all but I did it and it was my first time doing it we did running stitching, back stitching and blanket stitching 🧵

  4. Miski M.

    What new skills have you learned this week?
    I have learnt to use the oil pastel because when I was scraping nothing came out of the figure.
    Which skills did you use to help create the class landscape?
    I used brush strokes to paint the landscape art with horizontal lines.
    What was your favourite part of the week?
    My favourite part of the week was painting because we stuck figures on the landscape art to show what we were doing.

  5. Tipian I.

    I have learnt a lot about painting and the kabakobs .

    I have learnt lots of techniques one of them is use light pressure on the pencil but you have to be careful on the oil pastel it is made out of oil .The ruler help me the most because I made perfection on the line it made my work look neat.

    My favoured was sticking because it really touched my brain and I was so focused it looked amazing at fist it looks hard but my dad has the kit so it looks hard that’s why .It touched my brain I was so focused I didn’t hear the noise that was in the classroom and I have all the people around me that needed help and then they spread it to other people and then the other people spread it to other people.

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