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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hello year 3 πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Here are your new weekly spellings for Autumn 2. These weekly spelling are really important for you to learn on a daily basis. Remember you spelling test will still be on a Friday morning. If you practiced for 5 to 10 minutes every day your spelling score will really improve. Come on year 3 we and do this πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜€

3 responses to “Year 3- Autumn 2 spellings”

  1. Sheik A.

    Okay I will do my spelling thank you for telling me.

  2. Muhammad Y.

    Thank you for the spellings. I will practice them.

  3. Nma M.

    Okay I will do my spellings thank you for the information!

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