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Mrs Morris’s ‘The Memory Cage’ group

Hello children. We have now read up to the end of chapter 4. I would like you to have a go at the two tasks below and bring them in to school with you on Monday 15th November to share with the group. The work you complete will then be added to our scrapbook.

TASK ONE: SHOULD CHILDREN BE CARERS? As we know, so far in the text, it has been Alex’s responsibility to look after Grandad. Do you think it is right that Alex looks after Grandad for the family? Write a paragraph, giving your opinion, but your opinion must be justified and supported with evidence from the text.

TASK TWO: Read the description of Aunt Mildred on pages 31 and 32. Draw the mental model you get from reading this description. Annotate your work with figurative language.

One response to “Mrs Morris’s ‘The Memory Cage’ group”

  1. Umaiza T.

    I will complete the tasks.

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