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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

This half term there will be more class winners of the prize.

Years R- Year 1 will compete against each other

Year 2- 4 will compete against each other and

Years 5 and 6 will compete against each other for the prizes.

Each half term it may change who you compete against as there maybe few classes/maybe more. in your group..?

18 responses to “Brick Wall- more chances to win”

  1. Madeeha T.

    We nearly won the brick 🧱 wall.
    3 red will win the brick wall

  2. Kai D.

    I hope we win we was so close last time thank you miss Frankish for this chance to try and win again

  3. Sabah S.

    Thank you Mrs Frankish for this opportunity. Also, I recognised there is a spelling error for against once or twice.

    1. Head Teacher

      Well spotted, You have earned a brick.

  4. Estera V.

    Year 4 will win

  5. Reece T.

    Mrs Frankish there is a spelling mistake it says ter not there

    1. Head Teacher

      well spotted and apologies, come and get a brick. Not a great typist!

  6. Esa A.

    year 2Blue will win.

  7. Mehar R.

    we will win

  8. Hammad A.

    5 white will win.

  9. Tipian I.

    Thank you ms Frankish this will increase our chances of winning.
    We are doing good so far and we will Cary on gaining.
    Thanks for the information ms or miss or Mrs frankish

    1. Head Teacher

      It is Mrs Frankish as I am married.

  10. Aisha R.

    Thank you. This will increase our chances of winning.I hope we win.

  11. Luxor A.

    Year 5 will try are best.

  12. Aysha R.

    I will agree this will be a higher chance of winning.

  13. Ridwan U.

    Thank you Mrs Frankish. This increases our chances of winning by alot which leads to more praise being given out. However to win we all must act good to earn bricks whenever we can. You never know the teachers are watching.

    1. Head Teacher

      They are- I look at the way you walk to lessons, how you speak, you body actions, respect, care etc, the list is endless!

      1. Ridwan U.

        Thank you.

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