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5 Blue’s fantastic Adventure Stories

In English, we have been learning about adventure stories. We have read ‘The road to El Dorado’ and have created our own adventure stories in a similar style.

Children have worked hard to draft, edit and improve their stories to ensure it includes all the features of an adventure story.

What are the key features of an adventure story?

Share a sentence you are proud of and explain why. What have you done well?

How have you made progress within this English unit?

Look at our super writing….

9 responses to “5 Blue’s fantastic Adventure Stories”

  1. Aayan M.

    What are the key features of an adventure story?
    Key features of an adventure story:
    -Powerful verbs and adjectives
    -Fronted adverbial
    How have you made progress within this English unit?
    I have made progress this English unit by understanding and learning the features of an Adventure Story.

  2. Sumayyah A.

    Key features of an adventure story
    Figurative language similes metaphors and personification
    Fronted adverbials
    Relative clauses Emotive language
    powerful adjectives and verbs
    I have made progress in this English unit

  3. Maryam G.

    The key features of an adventure story’s are
    Fronted adverbials
    Powerful verbs
    Powerful adjectives
    Figurative language

  4. Joel G.

    All the key features of an adventure story is:
    Emotive language
    Powerful adjectives
    Powerful verbs

    I really enjoyed writing my adventure story

  5. Mrs Khan

    Well done 5 Blue, these have been displayed in the classroom now. Keep up the good work!

  6. Safiyah P.

    Why are the features of an adventure story?
    *Prepositions. *Ellipsis
    *Personification. *Fronted Adverbials.
    *Relative clauses
    *Past tense verbs
    *Emotive language

  7. Safa M.

    Well done. They are really good. 👍🏻

  8. Lawy A.

    Frontal adverbials, powerful adjectives, correct vocabulary, ellipses, past tense verbs.
    These are the key features.

  9. Aisha R.

    The key features of an adventure story are:relative clauses, preposition, figurative language, powerful verbs and adjectives.

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