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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Please complete the survey below to help us ensure that we continue to provide the best school experience possible.

Thank you

9 responses to “Children’s Well-Being Survey Reception and KS1 December 2021”

  1. Tinuola T.


  2. Yasmin A.

    I have done it.

  3. Jasmine P.

    Ok 👌

  4. Nick C.

    I did it at school

  5. Hamasah Y.

    Hamasah has completed her survey.

  6. Aadam R.

    Aadam and Aaron have completed the survey.

  7. Tala I.

    I have done it my sister also helped me

  8. Dhonshan R.

    I’ve done. Thank you

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