School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Next Tuesday, during our Science lesson, we will be having a very special visit from lots of different animals! The animals are fully licensed and insured to be handled if the children wish to do so. Some children may even be lucky enough to give the animals some treats! Again, this is completely voluntary and the children will not be required to do anything they are uncomfortable with.

Thank you to Mrs Frankish for covering the cost of this amazing experience. We cannot wait to further our learning first-hand. We are very lucky! I wonder which animals might arrive…

12 responses to “Y1 Animal Encounter”

  1. Advika B.

    Advika likes Rabbit & cat & dogs & horse & cows..

  2. Liliana S.

    Thank you for organising this amazing experience. Lily has a little Zoo at home too, so she hopes she will be able to handle some new animals :)

  3. Yusuf A.

    This is fantastic! Thank you Mrs Frankish for organising this, it’s very important children understand the various different animals and their needs. We have 3 parrots at home! 🦜🐦

    1. Head Teacher

      3 parrots, I love these birds, perhaps one day they can be brought to school for the children to look at?
      Thanks for the lovely message.

      1. Yusuf A.

        We have two Cockatiel’s and a Conure. The Conure is better suited for travel but he’s still a baby, when he is a year old we could look into bringing him in! πŸ‘

  4. Huzaifah J.

    So excited to see the animals thank you Mrs Frankish πŸ‘πŸ‚πŸƒπŸ¦¬πŸ–πŸ¦¬πŸπŸ¦œ

    1. Head Teacher

      It will be ace!

  5. Tala I.

    Okay πŸ‘πŸ»
    Thank you πŸ™

  6. Aqsa S.

    Ok thank you Mrs Frankish

  7. Noah M.

    What a great start for the children to their learning journey and new year.

    Thank you Mrs Frankish and all staff.

    1. Head Teacher

      Very welcome, we want the children to make rapid progress in a fun way.

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