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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

This week we got to learn three new sounds “ay” “ee” and “igh”

Please watch the videos below and practice words using the digraphs we have learnt.

Now I would like you to practice writing 3 words for each digraph/trigraph above.

3 responses to “Mrs.Sharif’s Phonic group”

  1. Zain T.

    EE- feel, see, bee
    Igh- eight, night, bright
    Ay-stay,say, play

  2. Waniya Z.

    Ay day say play stay
    EE see bee feel feed
    Igh light high tight night fight might fright right sight

  3. Dhonshan R.

    AY- Tray, Monday, stay.
    EE-Deer, feed, fifteen.
    IGH-Eight, fight, weight.

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