To be in by Wednesday.

Maths – look again at the challenges from today’s maths lesson.


Roman Army

  Only men could be in the Roman Army. No women. Every Roman soldier was a Roman

citizen. He had to be at least 20 years old. He was not supposed to get married while he was a soldier. Most soldiers in the Roman Empire came from countries outside Italy. There were Roman soldiers from Africa, Gaul, Germany, the Balkans, Spain and the Middle East.

         Soldiers had to stay in the army for at least 25 years. Then they could retire, with a pension or a gift of land to farm. This was very clever because it meant that Rome had loyal ex-soldiers all over the provinces who could be called on to defend their homes. Old

soldiers often settled down to old age together, in a military town or colonia.

       There were about 30 legions in the Roman Army. Each legion had between 4000 and 6000 soldiers, called legionaries. Each legion had ten cohorts. Each cohort was made up of six troops of about 80 legionaries, called centuries. Each century was led by a centurion. A centurion carried a stick, to show his importance. He could also use his stick to beat any soldier who  disobeyed an order. The officer commanding the whole legion was called a


        Legionaries were the best Roman soldiers, and the best paid. There were other

 soldiers though. An auxiliary was a soldier who was not a Roman citizen. He was paid a third as much as a legionary. Auxiliaries guarded forts and frontiers, but also fought in battles, often in the front lines (most dangerous). 

        Usually, Romans liked to fight on foot. They used cavalry, soldiers on horses, to chase a fleeing enemy. In a battle, the cavalry often lined up either side of the foot-soldiers, or infantry.

1.       Were all Roman soldiers from Italy? 

2. Find another word for “soldiers on horses.”

3. Which soldiers were paid the most money?

4. How many legionaries made up a legion?  

5. Who was in charge of an entire legion?  

6. What is the Latin word for a military town ?

7. How did a centurion display his importance ?

8. How much was an auxiliary paid?

9. How many cohorts were in a legion?

10. How many legions were there in the Roman army?


Create a Roman Fort

Please complete on the blog or in your homework book. You may bring your book in to show us or email a picture to

132 responses to “Year 3 Homework Week 2”

  1. Musa B.

    Gd Mrs Khalic is incorrect because there are supposedly be 6 tens in the tens collom 3 ones in the ones collom but she put only 3 tens in the tens column and the other 3 tens and 3 ones in the ones collom
    I know that Mrs Frankish is incorrect because 44÷4=11 which means 44 should be split into 4 part but she only did into 2 parts.
    3.Legionaries were paid the most money.
    4.between 4000 and 6000 soldiers made up a legion.
    5.A legate was in charge of a whole entire legion.
    6.the Latin word for military Town is colonia.
    7.A centurion carried a stick to show his importance.
    8.he was paid as much as a
    9.There were 10 cohorts in a legion.
    10.there were about 30 legions in the roman army.

    1. Musa B.

      I meant Mrs Khaliq.

  2. Alzahra R.

    1) Most soldiers in the Roman Empire came from countries outside Italy
    2) Solders were called Cavalry
    3) Legionaries were the most paid soldiers
    4) Each legion had between 4000 + 6000 soldiers
    5) A centurion was in charge
    6) Latin word for military town is called Colonia
    7) A centurion displayed his importance by holding a stick
    8) An auxiliary was paid third as much
    9) Each legions had 10 cohorts
    10) There were 30legions in the Roman army

  3. Alima S.

    Sorry mean no.

  4. Alima S.

    WOW English
    1. Were all Roman soldiers from Italy? Yes
    2. They can be in a carriage
    3. Each legion had between 400 600 legion.
    4. Witch Roman soldiers paid the most money? the legionaries.
    5. One of them.
    6. The military Colonia.
    7. By a centurion.
    8. The auxiliaries was not paid a lot.
    9. It was a lot it was ten.
    10. There were 30 legions in an Roman army.
    On she is not correct I know this because I used my method the answer
    Should be 8 because there is 4 in each method and you count them all together =8.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Alima. What method did you use for maths? What should the answer be?

  5. Madeeha T.

    1) Most soldiers in the Roman Empire came from countries outside Italy
    2) Solders were called Cavalry
    3) Legionaries were the most paid soldiers
    4) Each legion had between 4000 + 6000 soldiers
    5) A centurion was in charge
    6) Latin word for military town is called Colonia
    7) A centurion displayed his importance by holding a stick
    8) An auxiliary was paid third as much
    9) Each legions had 10 cohorts
    10) There were 30legions in the Roman army

  6. Mahdi R.

    Roman army
    Only men could be in the roman women.every roman soldiers was a roman Citizen.he had to at least 20 years old.he was supposed to get married while he was a soldier.most soldier in the roman empire came from countries outside 🇮🇹.the reason were roman soldiers from Africa,gaul,
    Germany,the balkans,Spain and the Middle East.

  7. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    2.No, 44/4=11
    3.Legionaries were paid the most.
    4. Between 4000 and 6000 soldiers made a legion.
    5. The legate was in charge.
    6. A military town or colonia.
    7. A centuron displays his importance with a stick.
    8. An Auxiliary was a soldier that was paid a third as much as a legionary.
    9. Each legion a had 10 cohorts.
    10.There were 30 legions in an roman army.

  8. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    2.No, 44/4=11
    3.Legionaries were paid the most.
    4. Between 4000 and 6000 soldiers made a legion.
    5. The legate was in charge.
    6. A military town or colonia.
    7. A centurion displays his importance with a stick.
    8. An auxiliary was a soldier that was paid a third as much as a legionary.
    9. Each legion a had ten cohorts.
    10.There were 30 legions in an roman army.

  9. Vaneza S.

    It was hard I keep on going to read again to find answers
    1: All Roman soldiers were not from Italy they from other countries as well
    2: Soldier son horses were called cavalry
    3: Legionaries were paid most
    4:Between 4000 to 6000 thousands
    5: The league
    6: colonial
    7:They have a stick and they use it on other soldiers
    8:Auxiliary soldiers were paid 3 time less then visionaries
    9:10 cohorts
    10:30 legions

  10. Vaneza S.

    I do not understand this pv so I used timetables to solve this
    63 ÷3 counting 3 time table answer is 21 because 3×2=6
    3×1= 3
    Same way 44÷4=11 because 4 timetables 11 times is 44

  11. Aaron G.

    Mrs khaliq is incorrect because
    6 shared by 3 = 2
    3 shared by 3 = 1
    So her answer is 21
    I made my roman fort at home

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      A good start Aaron. Can you complete the second maths question to? Use your reasoning skills like you would in school please. Mrs Frankish is correct/incorrect. I know this because…

  12. Rustam M.

    Mrs Frankish is incorrect. I know because 44-4=and got 11

  13. Rustam M.

    No the asrer is wrong Because 12 time 3= 36 not 12time 3=36

  14. Muhammad Y.

    Maths Mrs Khaliq is incorrect because she put the tens in the ones column and the answer is 21 not 12.
    Mrs Frankish is incorrect if she added 2 more columns she would get the answer and the answer is 11 not 22.

  15. Lawan R.

    NoShe is not correct because she put the times in the ones and forgot to put the other tense she did not count us in.
    Miss Frankish is wrong because she did not put four groups That’s how you know she’s wrong.

  16. Joshua C.

    Wrong because if you put 3 tens in the ones column it will count is a ten because it says 10 on it.
    Wrong because the big number 44 is a part of the 4 times tables so you need to count all the way to 44 by 4.

  17. Keaton O.

    Mrs Khaliq is incorrect 63 divide 3 = 21 not 12.
    Mrs Frankish is correct because it equals 44

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Good boy. Where did each teacher go wrong? Explain your answer.

  18. Keaton O.

    1. Most soldiers in the Roman Empire came from countries outside Italy. There were Roman soldiers from Africa, Gaul, Germany, the Balkans, Spain and the Middle East.
    2. Another word for soldiers on horses is Calvary.
    3.legionaries was paid the most paid soldiers.
    4. Between 4000 and 6000 soldiers made a legion.
    5. The legate was in charge.
    6. A military town or colonia.
    7. A centurion display his importance with a
    8. An auxiliary was a soldier he was paid a third as much as a legionary.
    9. Each legion a had ten cohorts.
    There were 30 legions in an Roman army.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Super research Keaton! What is a legion?

  19. Delilah R.

    I was nt sure what all the words in the text meant so I searched and posted it so anyone could see if they was nt sure also.

    (Centurian )
    the commander of a century in the ancient Roman army.

    a division of 3,000–6,000 men, including a complement of cavalry, in the ancient Roman army.

    an ancient Roman military unit, comprising six centuries, equal to one tenth of a legion.

  20. Delilah R.

    1.Were all Roman soldiers from Italy?
    No they were not , their were soldiers from Africa, Gaul, Germany, the Balkans, Spain and the Middle East.

    2. Find another word for “soldiers on horses.”

    3. Which soldiers were paid the most money?
    The ones who were Romans, others got paid a third less.

    4. How many legionaries made up a legion?
    Each legion had between 4000 and 6000 soldiers

    5. Who was in charge of an entire legion?

    A centurion was in charge.

    6. What is the Latin word for a military town ?

    7. How did a centurion display his importance ?
    He carried stick and could beat any one he wanted .

    8. How much was an auxiliary paid?
    A third of what the Roman got paid .

    9. How many cohorts were in a legion?
    Each legion had ten cohorts. Each cohort was made up of six troops of about 80 legionaries, called centuries

    10. How many legions were there in the Roman army?

  21. Delilah R.

    Miss Khalik is incorrect because I used the part whole method and got the answer 21

    Mrs Frankish is incorrect I know this because when I use the part whole method I divided 40 ÷4 and 4÷4 and got 11

  22. Adam O.

    Mrs Khaliq is incorrect. I know this because I have used the part-whole method and the result is 63 ÷ 3 = 21.
    . (63)
    . / \
    . (60) (3)
    . |÷3 |÷3
    . 20 + 1 = 21

    Mrs Frankish is incorrect. I know this because I have used the part-whole method and the result is 44 ÷ 4 = 11 .
    . (44)
    . / \
    . (40) (4)
    . |÷4 |÷4
    . 10 + 1 = 11

    1. Were all Roman soldiers from Italy?
    No, they were not all from Italy but from other countries like Africa, Gaul, Germany, the Balkans, Spain and the Middle East
    2. Find another word for “soldiers on horses.”
    3. Which soldiers were paid the most money?
    4. How many legionaries made up a legion?
    between 4000 and 6000 soldiers
    5. Who was in charge of an entire legion?
    The legate was the officer in charge.
    6. What is the Latin word for a military town ?
    7. How did a centurion display his importance ?
    A stick.
    8. How much was an auxiliary paid?
    He was paid a third as much as a legionary
    9. How many cohorts were in a legion?
    Each legion had 10 cohorts.
    10. How many legions were there in the Roman army?
    There were 30 legions in the Roman army.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Adam! What is a legion?

  23. Adam O.

    Mrs Khaliq is incorrect. I know this because I have used the part-whole method and the result is 63 ÷ 3 = 21.
    / \
    (60) (3)
    |÷3 |÷3
    20 + 1 = 21

    Mrs Frankish is incorrect. I know this because I have used the part-whole method and the result is 44 ÷ 4 = 11 .
    / \
    (40) (4)
    |÷4 |÷4
    10 + 1 = 11

    1. Were all Roman soldiers from Italy?
    No, they were not all from Italy but from other countries like Africa, Gaul, Germany, the Balkans, Spain and the Middle East
    2. Find another word for “soldiers on horses.”
    3. Which soldiers were paid the most money?
    4. How many legionaries made up a legion?
    between 4000 and 6000 soldiers
    5. Who was in charge of an entire legion?
    The legate was the officer in charge.
    6. What is the Latin word for a military town ?
    7. How did a centurion display his importance ?
    A stick.
    8. How much was an auxiliary paid?
    He was paid a third as much as a legionary
    9. How many cohorts were in a legion?
    Each legion had 10 cohorts.
    10. How many legions were there in the Roman army?
    There were 30 legions in the Roman army.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Super answers Adam. What did Mrs Frankish do wrong?

  24. Ravi P.

    63;- 3 =21

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      A good try Daniel. Remember to explain how you got the answer.

  25. Anish B.


    Mrs Khaliq is incorrect, 63 when divided into 3 times, using the part whole gives, 21


    Mrs Frankish is correct, 44÷4=11 or 11×4=44


    1. Were all Roman soldiers from Italy? – No, Roman soldiers were from outside Italy too

    2. Find another word for “soldiers on horses.” – cavalry

    3. Which soldiers were paid the most money? – Legionaries were the best Roman soldiers, and the best paid

    4. How many legionaries made up a legion? – Each legion had between 4000 and 6000 soldiers

    5. Who was in charge of an entire legion? – The officer commanding the whole legion was called a legate.

    6. What is the Latin word for a military town ? – Colinia

    7. How did a centurion display his importance ? – A centurion carried a stick, to show his importance

    8. How much was an auxiliary paid? – Auxiliary was paid a third as much as a legionary

    9. How many cohorts were in a legion? – A legion had ten cohorts

    10. How many legions were there in the Roman army? – There were about 30 legions in the Roman Army

  26. Mohammed D.

    Mrs khliq calculates 63 divide by 3 her answer is 12 she is incorrect
    because the answer is 21.

    1. Mohammed D.


      No all soldiers were not from Italy.
      Another word for soldiers on horses is cavalry.
      Legionaries were paid the most.
      Between 4000 and 6000 soldiers.
      Commanding officer is called legate.
      Colony is the Latin word for town.
      Centurion carried a stick to show their importance.
      An auxiliary is paid a third of what a legionary is.
      10 cohorts in each legion.
      There were 30 legions in a Roman Army

  27. Robyn B.

    Roman soldiers are from Italy bee us Rom is the cotillion sitee

  28. Mahdi R.

    Mrs khaliq calculates 63÷3 her answer is12
    She is incorrect because it’s 21.

  29. Marwah K.

    1. Most soldiers came from Countries outside Italy. They were from Africa,Germany,Spain and Middle East.
    2 Cavalry is another word for soldiers.
    3. Legionaries were the best Roman Soldiers and best paid.
    4. There were 30 Legions each Legion between 4000 and 6000 soldiers called Legionaries.
    5. A Centurion was in charge of an entire Legion.
    6. Colonia is a lain word for military town.
    7.A Centurion carried a stick to show his importance.
    8. Auxiliary was paid a third as much as a Legionary.
    9. 10 Cohorts
    10. There were about 30 Legions in the Roman Army.

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