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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Dear Parents,  

You may have noticed in recent weeks members of the Year 3 team asking parents to stop by the year 4 classrooms and the MUGA. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why we are taking this action. 

We are politely requesting that you stop so that we can ensure the safety of the Year 3 children as they walk down to the MUGA to be dismissed. Parents pushing and cutting through the lines is not helpful as children struggle to reach their destination when they are having to weave around parents. Also, we need to ensure all children are out of the building safely before dismissing to their parents, the safest, fastest, and efficient way to do this is to get them out in one line.  

We are requesting that you show the courtesy of stopping when you see these children as it is not fair to push through them. We appreciate you might have to take a small pause on your journey home; however, we will endeavour to get the 3 classes out as quickly as possible.  

The children come down at 3.10 to ensure they are in the MUGA to be dismissed to their parents at 3.15. Unfortunately, we cannot bring them down any earlier as this would mean they would miss out on precious learning time, and all time in the classroom is valuable to the children.  

We know you are keen to support the safety of the children as much as we are, and I would like to thank you all for your support and cooperation with this matter.  

Kind Regards  

Miss Redhead

14 responses to “Message to Parents”

  1. Sadeen S.


  2. Nma M.

    Okay thanks for the information .

  3. Sumayyah A.

    Thanks for the information

  4. Serina I.

    Ok thank you for the information

  5. Tipian I.

    Ok but I’m in yr 4

  6. Zoe E.

    Okay thanks for the info

  7. Simin W.

    Ok thanks for the information

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