Dear parent,

This week, your child will be learning the sounds โ€œm,a,s,d,t. It is important that you practice these sounds with your child at home and practice how to form all the letters correctly. Here are the rhyme we use to write each letter.

m- down Maisie, mountain mountain

a-Round the apple and down it leaf

s- slither down the snake

d- round his bottom, up his tall neck and down his feet

t- down the tower, across the tower.

Here is a link to help you and your child to say the sounds.

6 responses to “Read Write Inc in Reception”

  1. Hurayn A.

    Hurayn said the first letter in her name is ‘huh’. ๐Ÿ˜

  2. Miss Sofeda

    Brilliant to hear that you are all learning your sounds. You are all superstars! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

  3. Yaseen S.

    I will practice the sounds. I practiced the speed sounds in the video with my older brother.

  4. Mahid H.

    Thank you teacher mahid is practicing his sounds every day and very happy

  5. Tobias T.

    Thank you, Tobias will be practicing every day :)

  6. Jason K.

    Thank you for the info & the link. Jason will learn his sounds for this week.

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