This year, children from year 5 and 6 have been supporting both competitive and recreational sport throughout the school. This has included running activities for children at lunchtime, support running festivals and sports days, and even supporting groups on external events and activities. What has been brilliant to see is the development of the pupils in terms of their empathy and teamwork, and they have certainly been brilliant. Well done to the year 6 sports leaders, I hope you continue to support sport next year. It will now be the job of this year’s year 5 to support next years to show them how to run the different activities. Here is some of our sports leaders at work.

9 responses to “Sports Leaders at Broad Heath through 2022-23”

  1. Shahzaib M.

    Well done

  2. Samik S.

    Well done, sports leaders, you have done lots of things to help us children do sports activities

  3. Afreen S.

    Amazing job sports leaders

  4. Amelia H.

    Well done

  5. Sumayyah A.

    Well done sport leaders 👏

  6. Tipian I.

    You guys are amazing and fantastic.
    Keep on helping other children

  7. Sarah A.

    Well done sports leaders !


  8. Muhammad B.

    Well done to all the sport leaders.

  9. Tana I.

    Well done sport leaders

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