To bring our learning to life, we will be celebrating our History and DT learning this half term on Wednesday 13th March

On the day we will be working with clay so please bring an oversized shirt to protect your costume OR upcycle something old- which you don’t mind getting dirty.

Mayan Day costume ideas
(Lots of ideas of how you can make these costumes at home)

Over the year you have impressed us with all of your creative costumes so we are excited to see what you create for this themed day! If you require any ideas or help please ask any member of the Y6 team.

What part of Mayan history have you enjoyed so far?

10 responses to “Year 6 Mayan Day 13.3.24”

  1. Diana D.

    thanks for the info. looking forward to this

  2. Aalya H.

    I am excited and im looking forward to this day and hope this day is gonna be fun!

  3. Yahya S.

    Thanks for the information.

  4. Inayha H.

    I am looking forward to this day

  5. Lexi M.

    I am really exited and looking forward to it.

  6. Ebenezer O.

    I’m so excited

  7. Aisha A.

    I am looking forward to Mayan day.

  8. Flourish A.

    Okay 👍 👌

  9. Tana I.

    I am excited for this

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