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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


1Blue – Design Week – Wednesday

Today, the children were super creative when making their houses! They painted the exterior of their boxes, joined the sides using masking tape, drew and cut paper to add windows and tomorrow, they will create a door on a hinge!

Is there anything else you would like to add to your house? What would make it even better?

11 responses to “1Blue – Design Week – Wednesday”

  1. Liyana M.

    I enjoyed making a house thank you

  2. Dhonshan R.

    I would like to add lights.

  3. Hasnaa N.

    I Like to. Make my. house 🏑

  4. Anu K.

    l engoyd making house.l am gontoo making doors.

  5. Latifa A.

    I like painting the ceiryal box becauseit was caratif I liked the
    music as well thankyou

  6. Sarah B.

    I am going to finish my house. It’s fun colouring box. I join it.

  7. Ella C.

    Enjoy yesterday

  8. Haseeb B.

    i had a fun day with my friends and my teacher and the are the best
    ever in the world.

  9. Elgin A.

    That was fun to do mace Collin the house

  10. Noah M.

    I would like to add tomorrow to cut the door.πŸšͺπŸͺŸπŸͺ‘πŸ›πŸ›‹

  11. Noah M.

    I enjoyed it thank you .πŸ›–πŸ πŸ°πŸ–Œ

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