1W Blooming Brilliant Week 3

1White, what a fantastic week we have had! Here is a little insight into what we’ve been up to…


What was your favourite part of Alien School?


Choose 2 numbers between 1 and 10. Can you compare them using the correct vocabulary? Can you use the symbols < > = ?


Can you use interesting adjectives to describe how some of the objects felt?


Can you explain where our school is located?

9 responses to “1W Blooming Brilliant Week 3”

  1. Shayan S.

    my favourite subject is Maths.

    5 is lesser than 10.

    5<10 and 5=5.

    The ice feel cold.
    The jelly feel squashy.

    Our school located in Coventry and on Saint Paul road.

  2. Sulaiman A.

    Super learning everyone!

    1. Miss Smith

      Fantastic to see you on the blog Sulaiman! Dojo point for you! If you can answer one of my challenge questions I will give you 5 dojo points! :)

      1. Sulaiman A.

        My favourite part of alien school was dancing and making green pasta for the aliens. They said, ‘ yum,yum’.

  3. Haris S.


  4. Aqsa S.

    Woo very nice everyone well done super star’s 👍🏻😊

  5. Mr Mahmood

    1White is a fun place to be! Love the learning, superstars! Keep it up :)

  6. Mrs J Patel

    Mrs.Patel is just lost for words after seeing your learning on this blog.
    You are all so brilliant. So many skills have been used and the evidence is on the video.eg speaking,listening, Solving maths problems using the correct symbols for greater and fewer than… and observation skills too.
    What a super week of learning . We are brilliant and have GAINED!

  7. Jasmine P.

    Lovely works every one

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