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1W Green Group make a Peach Treat

Our Guided Reading text this half term is called:

Today we read and followed the instructions to create a peach treat ourselves. We had so much fun!


Tell me what you will need to make a peach treat.

Is this a healthy or unhealthy snack? Why do you think this?

Can you write the instructions to make a peach treat? Remember to use numbers and imperative verbs.

13 responses to “1W Green Group make a Peach Treat”

  1. Dominik B.

    5 after you will need grapes.
    6 now you need to put a chocolate stick.

  2. Shayan S.

    1 get some cake.
    2 get sum custard.
    3 get sum cream.
    4 get sum grapes.
    5 get some peaches.
    6 get sum chocolate.

  3. Huzaifah J.

    1 You Need Cake
    2 Wee Need Cusd
    Add ๐Ÿ‘ chocolate
    ๐Ÿ‡ grapes

  4. Aadyan W.

    You first need Cake.then you need custard.Next you need cream.then you need chocolate.

  5. Dominik B.

    1First you will need a chunk of cake and put it in your bowl .
    2 next put some custard on the cake.
    3 after put dairy cream on top.
    4 next you need a can of peachs

    1. Jasmine P.


  6. Naksh P.

    theats. Amazing guys. YLove it
    First You’re need. Cake Then you need Custard. Next you. Need cream.

  7. Amina I.

    It’s was so tisti

    1. Amina I.

      You need cake,
      Then you need custard on top of the cake,
      You put cream and then peaches ๐Ÿ‘
      This is unhealthy treat

  8. Shayan S.

    1 You get a cake.
    2 next you put sum custard.
    3 you get sum dairy cream.
    4 you get sum chocolate
    5 you get sum peach.

  9. Naksh P.

    theats. Amazing guys. YLove it

  10. Shayan S.

    I enjoy making a peach treat

  11. Mrs J Patel

    Well done green group. You all look so engaged happy and following the instructions so well. Iโ€™ve watched this video twice and now Mrs.Patel too knows how to make a peach treat. Super work.

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