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1W Shark Documentary 🦈

Through this term so far, in English, 1 White have been reading and learning about shark through information texts. This week we watched a short documentary by David Attenborough and the children have created their own shot documentary with their new knowledge of sharks.

Challenge: Can you write your favourite fact you have learnt about sharks?

14 responses to “1W Shark Documentary 🦈”

  1. Sulaiman A.

    Tiger sharks are so fast. Sharks are carnival. Sharks don’t have bones.

    1. Miss Smith

      Well done Sulaiman! Sharks are carnivores. What does this mean?

  2. Aiyla S.

    Sharks eat meat fish and sometimes people
    they have sharp teeth
    and sharks live in oceans

    1. Miss Smith

      Brilliant Aiyla! Which other animals do they eat? I

  3. Jasmine P.

    Sharks has very sharp teeth

    1. Miss Smith

      They certainly have! Why do they need such sharp teeth?

  4. Esa I.

    Shark eat fish
    the can swing on the back
    the are 1000 species of shark

    1. Miss Smith

      Nearly Esa! There are 500 species. Can you name any of them?

  5. Huzaifah J.

    Sharks have no bones and have a good sense of smell. I love learning about sharks πŸ¦ˆπŸ πŸ™πŸŸπŸ¬πŸ³

    1. Miss Smith

      Good lad Huzaifah! Can you remember what they have instead of bones?

  6. Amina I.

    The sharks can smell a single drop of blood in the ocean in 400 meters away. They have big teeth.

    1. Miss Smith

      Excellent information Amina! Which animals might the sharks like to eat?

  7. Jasmine P.

    There 500speeshs of sharks

    1. Miss Smith

      Brilliant fact Jasmine! Can you name any of the species?

      sp species

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